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MyUW Madison - Default Tiles on Homepage

In MyUW, the portal displays a variety of default tiles on your homepage.

What is a default tile?

MyUW sets default content on your homepage that may be useful to you based on your UW-Madison affiliation and role(s) as an applicant, student, and/or employee.

You can re-arrange, remove, and add more tiles to your homepage. For assistance navigating the MyUW homepage, see MyUW - Searching and Customizing MyUW Homepage.

What are the default tiles?

These are the default tiles in MyUW for users affiliated with UW-Madison:

List of default tile links by audience type
Default Tiles

Employees (including student employees)

Missing a tile?

If a tile isn't automatically on your homepage, you may be able to find it by searching. For assistance with adding tiles, see MyUW - Searching and Customizing MyUW Homepage.

If you are unable to find a tile by searching, your account is likely missing a specific role or piece of identifying information that is necessary to access some tiles.

For assistance with accessing missing HRS-related tiles such as Time and Absence or Benefit Information, please contact UW Shared Services: 

For assistance with accessing other missing tiles, please contact

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Amanda M. in MyUW Madison
DoIT Help Desk, My UW-Madison Portal