WiscWeb - Issues with multiple tabbed content groupings on a page

The following doc discusses an issue with the Tabbed Content page element whereby you cannot add more than one tab with the same name on a page.


When adding Tabbed Content groupings to your page, your tabs will error out if you have more than one tab of the same name on the page. The way this error displays will differ, but typically, the second grouping (with the same tab names) will not show content as expected. The most common example is that the first tab of the second grouping will not show up until you click on the tab.

An example is when you want to have more than one tab groupings with the same list of tab names.

First tab group example

Second tab group example


The Tabbed Content page element is designed to assign an ID (based on the title) to each tab created. If you have more than one tab on the page with the same title, you will have more than one reference on the page to the same ID. Your browser will not know how to interpret this error because it is not valid HTML. Each ID on the page must be unique.

The structure of the tab ID is as follows:
id="tabnameinlowercaseletters - label"

In the example above, where both tab groupings have a tab named "One," both will have the following ID listed:


The best way to resolve this issue is to make sure each tab on the page has a unique title.

For example, if you have tabbed groupings for each semester (titled Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter), consider adding the year to each tab, as well. This will alter the ID of the tab to make it more unique.


Title for first grouping, first tab: Spring 2020
ID for first grouping, first tab: spring-2020-label

First tabbed group revised example

Title for second grouping, first tab: Spring 2021
ID for second grouping, first tab: spring-2021-label
Second tabbed group revised example


tabbed content, multiple, two, more than one, tabs, page element, add, update, same name, issue, 
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Jenna K. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb