DoIT Operational Framework - Section 1.0 - Overview

Section 1 of the Operational Framework

The UW-Madison Division of Information Technology (DoIT) strives for continual service improvement in the operational processes used to support DoIT-managed and monitored services. The overriding goal of the DoIT Operational Framework is to define processes and related standards to ensure best possible operational efficiency, service, and uptime for the services DoIT supports. Currently, the Operational Framework addresses Change Management, Incident Management, Configuration Management, Problem Management, Event Management, and Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP).

Overview Sections
1.1 Process Importance and Risks
1.2 Sources
1.3 Ongoing Process Improvement
1.4 Operational Process Model

Section 1.1 - Process Importance and Risks

Strong standards, processes, and procedures are an integral component of effective operational management. Per the following graphic, process and procedure-related errors are as significant a cause of downtime as system errors.

Gartner Security Conference presentation

Source: Gartner Security Conference presentation, "Operation Zero Downtime," D. Scott, May 2002

Standards, processes, and procedures must be flexible enough to allow DoIT to support institution goals. In developing standard operating procedures, DoIT should endeavor to maintain a balance between the discipline necessary to run efficient, reliable technical operations and the flexibility necessary to meet the varying needs of our service customers.

Section 1.2 - Sources

Sources contributing to the ideas included in the Operational Framework include:

  • IT Infrastructure Library (ITILv4) standards and best practices
  • Input from the DoIT IT Service Management Committee and the DoIT Operational Framework Committee
  • Existing DoIT best practices (Service Teams, etc.)
  • Input from DoIT managers and staff members

Section 1.3 - Ongoing Process Improvement

These standards, processes, and procedures will always be a work in progress. As tools improve, best practices change, and post-incident reviews illuminate opportunities for improvement, these standards, processes, and procedures will necessarily evolve.

Section 1.4 - Operational Process Model

DoIT uses the ITIL Service Management Lifecycle and its processes as a basis of best practices implemented in the Operational Framework (Figure 1-2).


ITIl Service Management Lifecycle

The ITIL Service Lifecycle consists of five phases:

  • Service Strategy delivers guidance with designing, developing and implementing Service Management as a strategic asset.

  • Service Design provides guidance for the design and development of services and service management processes.

  • Service Transition deals with the development and improvement of capabilities for transitioning changed and new services into operations.

  • Service Operations provides guidance on the practices surrounding delivering and supporting services.

  • Continual Service Improvement links improvement efforts and outcomes with the above areas to realize incremental and large-scale improvements in service quality, operations and business continuity.

Execution of this framework and the adoption of components of the IT Service Management life cycle is an ongoing process. The DoIT Operational Framework will continue to evolve as additional phases of the cycle are implemented.

Keywordsoperational framework overview print version entire section full document opfram   Doc ID10083
OwnerJennifer S.GroupITSM
Created2009-05-27 19:00:00Updated2022-03-10 16:52:22
SitesDCTeam, DoIT Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), DoIT Help Desk, DoIT IT Service Management, DoIT Staff, Network Services, Systems & Network Control Center, Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering and Operations
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