Viewing Resource Calendars in Outlook
Instructions on how to view resource calendars in Outlook
You can add any calendar for AAE resources to your Outlook. Whether you add it in your desktop app or web app, it will then be available in both.
- In Outlook, you create a new meeting by clicking on the Calendar icon in the lower left:
- In the desktop app, right-click Shared Calendars, select Add Calendar then Open Shared Calendar
For the web app, simply click Add Calendar then Add from Directory - Type in the email address of the calendar (see table below) and click OK/Add
Office 365 Resource Name Office 365 Email AdddressAAE Kristjanson Rm113 Conference Room AAE Taylor-Hibbard Rm103 Multi-Purpose Room AAE Graf-Groves Rm215 Conference Room AAE Chair's Conference Room Rm434 AAE Bakken-Schaars RmB30 Classroom AAE Master's Student Lounge RmB4 Social Room