Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 4-23-20

Approved 4-30-20
ASEC Minutes
1:55 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23, 2020

Members Present: Donna Cole, Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Karyn Matchey, Missy Nergard, Megan O’Rourke, Karl Scholz

The meeting was called to order at 1:57 p.m.

The minutes of April 9, 2020 were approved.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to Discuss University Business Matters with Competitive Implications (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.

General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC chair, reported on the last ASM Student Council meeting of the year. ASM will be moving into an interim session, and the current office holders will stay in place until the new students can be sworn in.

Jake Smith, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that the times for the L&S Dean finalist sessions have been set. Jake will be contacting the reps on the CASI Reps email list to see if they want to hold the spring CASI session virtually. He has also been in touch with the Committee on the Implementation of the Youth Protection Policy. The committee’s report is being finalized and will be presented to ASEC at a future meeting.

Guests: Megan O’Rourke, Chair, Labor Codes and Licensing Advisory Committee, and Jake McCulloch, Project Specialist, Office of Sustainability
Megan and Jake introduced themselves to ASEC. The Labor Codes and Licensing Advisory Committee helps protect trademarks and licensing at UW-Madison. In conjunction with the Office of Sustainability, they are embarking on an effort to attain Fair Trade Certification status for campus. The hope is that by doing so, we will set an example for our peers and recognize work that we’re already doing. Fair Trade Campaigns is a third-party organization that recognizes fair trade operations. There are 5 criteria for certification. There has been discussion about a resolution for shared governance groups. ASM has passed such a resolution, and Charlie Hoslet is talking to senior leadership about this. ASEC discussed the resolution and will discuss when to bring the resolution forward to the Assembly.

Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
On the topic of the teaching professor guidelines, the guidelines are very close to being finalized. The Provost will be taking that draft to the Deans. Unless there are serious concerns, the guidelines should be finalized after this point.
Vice Provost Bernard-Donals has discussed the notion of extension of the probationary period for academic and university staff with Mark Walters. OHR is talking about allowing this in a way similar to the tenure extension request process. It would not be a blanket approval process, but the assumption is that, where they might be necessary, requests would be honored and expedited.

There is an HIB working group that has convened to look more specifically around concerns about the process for addressing HIB. The group was convened at the instigation of the Ombuds based on feedback and comments that they had received. The group is looking at details around the investigatory process, including the letter where people are informed that an investigation is taking place, as well as more consistent application of the process across HR units, and concerns around weaponization of the process. The group had its second meeting last week and will continue to meet through the summer. The group will also look at ways to heal units in which HIB concerns have been addressed, as well as whether the HIB liaisons want to have an advocacy role in the process.

Liaison Reports
Donna Cole reported on the SMPH CASI meeting. Discussions were all on COVID and impacts on SMPH. Points of view were expressed on how people have or have not been able to work during this time, with feedback that supervisors have been helpful as to strategies on this.

Mallory Musolf reported on the UW System Reps meeting, which was a half-hour meeting with Ray Cross regarding the Board of Regents meeting on UW System and UW-Madison creating furlough policies. Madison will have its own policy. The draft of the System policy includes both intermittent and consecutive furloughs. Eligibility for unemployment benefits was a topic of discussion with consecutive furloughs. There will be another meeting with Ray Cross on April 24. Mallory also reported on the VCRGE CASI meeting. Vice Chancellor Steve Ackerman wanted to get a pulse on how things were going, particularly around remote work. There were also discussions on TTC conversations moving forward virtually.

Deb Shapiro reported that the TTC Governance Advisory Committee met on Tuesday and discussed a policy largely related to university staff. Deb also reported on the L&S CASI meeting on April 21, at which was discussed the impact of remote work on graduate students/teaching assistants, as well as questions regarding return to campus in the fall.

Stephanie Elkins and Tim Dalby reported on the shared governance meetings with the Dean of Extension finalists.

Bill Tishler reported on the April 13 University Committee meeting. Topics included an update from the Athletic Board, an increase in online degree program requests, and a working group working on addressing graduate education this fall.

•    May Assembly Meeting Agenda
     ASEC discussed the draft of the May Assembly agenda and will approve at the next meeting.
•    Topics for Guests
      Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration: tuition remission possibility to refund portion of spring costs to grants due to COVID; thanks to Laurent for awarding the administrative excellence awards; usage figures on COVID leave; updates on buildings being used for COVID first responders and others, how CARES funds are being distributed
OHR: Furlough policy, extension of probationary periods for staff as related to COVID, pressures on lab staff designated as essential employees

Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC minutes   Doc ID101745
OwnerKaryn M.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2020-05-06 11:16:57Updated2020-05-06 11:18:54
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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