Eligibility Details

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Eligibility Details Lists each subject that has gone through the eligibility criteria.
Subject MRN: Selecting the Subject MRN hyperlink will open the Subject Console-Eligibility tab for that subject where status change or updating is available (with the correct privileges).
Subject Initials: The first and last initials of the subject’s name.
Pre-Screening Consent Signed Date: Displays the date the subject signed the consent form as indicated in Subject Console > Consent.
Status: Indicates the eligibility status of the subject which can be: Eligible, Eligible with Override, and Not Eligible.
Reason Withdrawn: Subject Console > Eligibility > Reason Withdrawn. This information is captured in the Subject Console > Consent tab.
Form Version: Version of the form they signed
Entered By: The name of the person who was logged in when the Eligibility information was entered.
Entered Date: The date the information was entered into OnCore.
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Eligibility Details 
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Molly H. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics