Academic Staff Communications Committee Minutes 11-07-19

Academic Staff Communications Committee
 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 7, 2019 – 1 to 2 p.m.
Union South – Alumni (2nd floor)

2019-20 ASCC members in attendance: Stephanie Elkins, Robyn Perrin, Howard Veregin, Ashley Voss, Lori Wilson

1.    Review and approval of minutes from the September 5 meeting (carryover from Oct. meeting) –
•    Approved!

2.    Communications Committee membership update – Lindsay Lemmer is no longer on-campus, so we will receive a new member.

3.    Communications Committee ASPP update –
•    Stephanie to make motion at academic staff assembly meeting.
•    Ashley to attend meeting, as well.

4.    Subcommittee/group progress reports and feedback session
•    Groups:
      i.    Newsletter content: Robyn Perrin, Howard Veregin
      ii.    Newsletter mechanics: Lori Wilson
      iii.    Website: Ashley Voss
•    Status update – What have you been up to? What conclusions did you come to?    
o    Content –
      This group’s main focus has been TTC.
      •    Job descriptions pushed back until 11/11, which is when the forums start.
      •    Committee to send draft proposed email language to Heather/Jake:
            o    reporting out forums after forums.
            o    Link to video.
            o    Meetings with supervisors.
      •    Content group to take first stab at this and circulate. Stephanie to send content via Teams. Robyn to send thoughts. She will attend 11/11. Stephanie and Lori to attend 11/12.
            o    Could do 2 emails. One before online 11/20 and one about reading job descriptions and meeting with supervisors, etc. after it’s all said and done.
      Team to review Linda’s thoughts on Teams.
o    Mechanics – Lori and Kyle will meet Monday to confirm plan and send out via Teams for review after.
o    Website –
      Ashley met with Jake and Heather and found out the following data points:
      •    The consultant does not charge for development and meetings.
      •    Everything online was organized about six years ago.
      •    They’re flexible as far as what news content is on there and how to sort. Some thoughts are:
            o    Upcoming deadlines
            o    Academic staff in the news
      •    Stories can be posted online and linked to from email newsletter.
      •    Current website visitors are 80-90 percent from a desktop, probably because they are at work. Mobile isn’t a priority (but we don’t know if mobile would increase with a more mobile-friendly site). If we want to get access to look more into what content people are looking at, we can get that.
      •    Heather and Jake agree the KB should stay.
      •    An hourly student helps update the site.
      •    It may be helpful for the committee to provide wireframes to use with the consultant.

•    Questions for the group and other groups – What details do you need from the larger group or other groups to move forward?
•    Recommendations you’d like to forward to ASEC/Academic Staff Assembly/Secretary’s Office, focused on how can we improve the final product, while also helping them and making things easier for them with their existing resources?

•    Next steps:
      1.    Lori will take the discussions and draft documents and create new docs for each group that is split into: Challenges, Recommendations, Questions. These documents will be done by 11/11.
      2.    Each group has a document custodian that will help move it along. These are:
            a.    Howard = content
            b.    Ashley = website
            c.    Lori = mechanics
      3.    We’ll plan to review, add comments and thoughts to all three documents (not limited to your group) the week of 11/11.
      4.    We’ll incorporate changes and finalize the week of 11/18.
      5.    We’ll submit the week of Thanksgiving.

5.    Next meeting: Thursday, December 5 – 1-2pm @ 52 Bascom Hall

6.    Adjourn

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Owned by:
Karyn M. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff