Academic Staff Communications Committee Minutes 12-05-19

Academic Staff Communications Committee
 Monthly Meeting Agenda

1:00-2:00 pm, Thursday, December 5
52 Bascom Hall

2019-20 ASCC Members in attendance:
Megan Flowers, Robyn Perrin, Howard Veregin, Lori Wilson

1.    Review and approval of minutes: – tabled, due to no quorum
       •    October meeting
       •    November meeting

2.    Communications Committee membership update - tabled, due to no quorum and absences
       •    Expiring member terms and elections
       •    New member ideas

3.    Communications Committee ASPP update

4.    Group progress reports and feedback session:
       •    Lori updated the group on the newsletter mechanics progress, as well as the website progress. All members worked together on newsletter content section of the evaluation, with Lori to type up draft report to be reviewed/commented on/edited/approved by the newsletter content group via Teams after the meeting.
       •    Group members and documents:
       •    Newsletter content: Linda Endlich, Megan Flowers, Robyn Perrin, Howard Veregin
       •    Newsletter mechanics: Kyle Henderson, Lori Wilson
       •    Website: Felipe Gacharna, Ashley Voss

5.    Tentative meeting schedule for spring 2020 semester - tabled, due to no quorum and absences

6.    Adjourn

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Owned by:
Karyn M. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff