Academic Staff Communications Committee Minutes 10-03-19

Academic Staff Communications Committee
 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 3, 2019 – 1 to 2 p.m.
Memorial Union – Board Room (3rd Floor)

2019-20 ASCC members in attendance:
Linda Endlich, Robyn Perrin, Ashley Voss, Lori Wilson

1.    Review and approval of minutes from the September 5 meeting (attachment) – tabled until quorum is available.
2.    Academic Staff Assembly news
       •    Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project
              i.    Robyn updated us on TTC project details and progress, including:
                     1.    TTC is moving up the sharing of the Standard Job Description library to coincide with the November Forums, looking at about a week before.
                            a.    Forum dates are available at:
                            b.    The overall project timeline is available at:
                            c.    Manager training (online and in-person) is in November.
                            d.    They will have a monthly newsletter for specific audiences (Executive, Managers, HR) about to launch. We'll update you.
              2.    The TTC group just posted the latest in a growing learning series on their site's Resource Library, at  Next will be a What's Changing, What's Staying the Same fact sheet.
              3.    We will send draft language to the Secretary’s office and Rob Fontella to help communicate with academic staff before the forums. Robyn will take first stab at drafting and circulate to group via Teams.
       •    Celebrating Shared Governance Reception – Wednesday, October 16 (3-4:30pm), Great Hall – Memorial Union – Ashley shared details on the reception.

3.    Communications Committee ASPP update – Lori and Ashley will take the new language to ASEC today and report back.

4.    Subcommittee updates/work session
       •    Newsletter content: Linda Endlich, Megan Flowers, Robyn Perrin, Howard Veregin
       •    Newsletter mechanics: Kyle Henderson, Lindsay Lemmer, Lori Wilson
       •    Website: Felipe Gacharna, Ashley Voss

5.    Call for collaborating between.

6.    Next meeting: Thursday, November 7 – 1-2pm @ Union South

7.    Adjourn.

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Owned by:
Karyn M. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff