Issues accessing linked Google doc in Canvas

Instructions on how to access a Google doc in Canvas

When accessing a Google document through Canvas, one of four things will happen: you will be able to access the file, be asked to login to google, receive a connection error  or receive an access denied message.

If Google documents are used in class they will be shared with your Google account and not your personal.  If you are having issues accessing the file it is because you are not currently logged into Google with your account.

If when clicking on the link in Canvas for a Google document you receive the error refused to connect that means you are either not logged into google on that browser or you are logged into an account that doesn't have access to the document.  Click on the document name in white found in the header and circled in blue below.  This will open the document in a new window/tab.


connection error



When it open in the new window/tab you will either see a screen to login to Google or that the account you are logged in with doesn't have access.


If you see the Google Sign in screen, login with your  It will then take you to the UW login screen.  Put in your netid and password and should then be taken to the file.



If you see the access denied screen click on the Google account you are signed in as, illustrated below with the blue circle.  This will take you to a new screen.  If your account is an option to select, select that.  If yours account isn't there click on Sign in to another account and sign in with your, like the step above.


access denied

sheets, shared, access denied 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Patrick L. in Law School
Law School