Google Meet Accessibility and Usability Information
The Google Meet app is one of the campus-supported web conferencing tools and is included in Google Workspace.
Get help
If you are using Google Meet for general web conferencing purposes, contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance.
To view Google Meet service details, refer to UW-Madison's Google Workspace service page.
For Google Meet KB guides, refer to UW-Madison Google Workspace - Getting Started with Google Meet.
Accessibility and usability barriers
The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist with Google Meet.
Lack of caption customization may limit accessibility for some users, such as people who have low vision or cognitive disabilities
There are no options for changing the font, size, or color of closed captions.
Magnification barriers may limit accessibility for some users, such as people with low vision
When magnified to 250% or higher, the meeting code in the lower-left corner of the meeting window is cut off behind the microphone and camera buttons. At 400% magnification, the current time (digital clock) is also cut off.
Because the topmost elements of the Host Controls dialog and the People dialog are in a fixed position, when the page is magnified to 400%, it’s hard to see anything below the fixed elements when scrolling because the remaining dialog area is so small. The size of each dialog is also not adjustable (window cannot be maximized).
Additionally, on the Google Meet home page, the Google Meet icon and the text “Google” are an image that loses clarity when the page is magnified.
Screen reader barriers may limit accessibility for some users, such as people who are blind or have low vision
In the Ready to Join step, there is no announcement or alert that confirms closed captions have been turned on after the user selects it. Both on the Google Meet homepage and in the Host Controls during a meeting, the Learn More link description does not announce that the link opens in a new tab.
Keyboard navigation barriers may limit accessibility for some users, such as people with motor disabilities
In a meeting, the caret buttons for Audio Settings and Video Settings do not change color or gain a focus outline upon receiving keyboard focus.
Low color contrast may limit accessibility for some users, such as people who are colorblind or have low vision
On the Google Meet homepage, the Google Account tooltip that shows the user’s name and email has low color contrast for regular-sized text (light gray text on a dark gray background). In the Ready to Join step, when the camera or microphone buttons receive focus, the button’s background color is partially translucent with the video background, which may have low contrast against the white color of the camera/mic icon.