UW-Madison Box - Box API

If you are considering developing a Custom Application for use with the UW-Madison Box service there are a few things you need to know.

Understanding Available Authentication Options

  1. Client-side Oauth 2.0 authentication is currently your only option. It is also one of the easiest ways to authenticate a user with the Box API. This authentication type does not require approval from the UW-Madison Box Team but does require end-user action/authentication.
  2. Custom development of Enterprise Integrations that have access to all UW-Madison Box users and groups will not be approved for use with the service.
  3. JWT Authentication (Server Authentication) requires either a Service Account or App User which are not offered with the UW-Madison Box service.
  4. Client Credentials Grant is an authentication method for creating machine to machine integrations where no end-user authentication is required. All applications leveraging the Client Credentials Grant type must have an associated Service Account. Like JWT Authentication, Client Credentials Grant authentication is not available to campus developers.
  5. App Tokens are really intended for use with Box View applications. App Tokens work with Service Accounts which are not available as part of the UW-Madison Box service.

Not Currently Available

  • Developer Sandboxes
  • Box Skills
  • Service Accounts
  • App User Licenses

We do not offer custom Box development as part of the UW-Madison Box Service but we are happy to answer questions. If we can not answer your questions we will direct you to Box Support. Please contact the UW-Madison Box Team via Get Help from DoIT

Additional Resources

Box API Developer Console: https://uwmadison.app.box.com/developers/console
Box API Documentation: https://developer.box.com/guides/
Contact Box Support: UW-Madison Box - Submit a Box Support Case

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Admin B. in Box
Box, DoIT Help Desk