Business Office - School of Human Ecology Contacts
Welcome to the SoHE Business Office
The Business Office is responsible for managing SoHE’s financial resources through the annual budget process, monitoring budgets, and preparing long-term financial forecasts. It also oversees the primary business processes including payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and expense reimbursement. In addition, we are available to assist with navigating UW policies related to procurement, travel, research participant payments, cash advances, and events. The Business Office can also assist with interdepartmental account setup for DoIT, Fleet, Transportation Services and Physical Plant.
In an effort to streamline administrative processes, we have collected the financial information we believe best answers the most common questions we receive. This handy reference guide is yours to bring with you on your travels or to keep in your office — wherever you most need it. Please note that while this guide highlights the most common financial guidance requested, it does not contain all of the University’s detailed policies, which can be found on the Division of Business Services website.
As always, the Business Office is available to answer any and all of your questions; in fact, questions are encouraged. We would prefer to process transactions right the first time rather than try to clean up problems after-the-fact. The potential consequences of the DIY-method may mean incomplete reimbursement.
We are located in room 2134 at Nancy Nicholas Hall.
Our Mailing address is:
University of Wisconsin – Madison
School of Human Ecology
Business Office, Room 2134
1300 Linden Dr. NNH
Madison, WI 53706
Secure Fax: 608-716-2609 or
The Business Office staff is listed below with email links and a list of specialties:
Cody Loew, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
- SoHE Budget and Financial Reporting
- Competitive or Sole Source Purchasing
- Approval for Alcohol/Meal Overages
Tammy O’Brien, Finance Manager
- Departmental budgets
- Gift accounting includes payments from Foundation accounts
- Scholarship funding questions
- Payroll funding questions
- WISER assistance
- DoIT Account Setup (D number)
- Salary or non-salary cost transfers
- Non-salary cost transfers
Michael Kukula, Administrative Specialist
- E-reimbursement auditor
- Non-competitive grant/project accounting: PI reports available upon request
- 136 Funding Questions/Budgets
- ShopUW role changes
- Non-salary cost transfers
Angela O'Neill, Financial Specialist - Support for Administration, CDMC/Design Studies, HDFS, MD I, and PELICAN
- Purchasing assistance (purchasing card)
- Requisition preparation and processing
- Purchasing policies
- Travel policies & purchasing
- E-reimbursement
- Events policies
- Payments to Individuals
- Direct Payments to Vendors
- Custodian Funds/Cash Advances/Gift Card Accounting
Rich Ray, Financial Specialist - Support for CFS, Center for Retailing, CDL, and 4W
- Purchasing assistance (purchasing card)
- Requisition preparation and processing
- Purchasing policies
- Travel policies & purchasing
- E-reimbursement
- Events policies
- Payments to Individuals
- Direct Payments to Vendors
- Custodian Funds/Cash Advances/Gift Card Accounting
Kate Van Ness, Financial Specialist - Support for Consumer Science, CommNS/CSCS, and Administrative Unites
- Purchasing assistance (purchasing card)
- Requisition preparation and processing
- Purchasing policies
- Travel policies & purchasing
- E-reimbursement
- Events policies
- Payments to Individuals
- Direct Payments to Vendors
- Custodian Funds/Cash Advances/Gift Card Accounting
Susan Kitts, Payroll Specialist
- Bi-Weekly payroll processing
- Payroll employee changes
- Student Hire forms
- Leave reporting
- Salary Cost Transfer
Nancy Andrews, Human Resources Manager
- Employee Parking
Kyle Brown, Human Resources Coordinator