Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 06-25-20

Approved 07-09-20

ASEC Minutes
1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 25, 2020

Members Present: Donna Cole, Jenny Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf; Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler

Guests: Allison Bender, Michael Bernard-Donals, Ron Harris, Alyson Kim, Angela Kita, Helena Manning, Karyn Matchey, Brooke Norsted, Kristi Obmascher, Cameron Olson, Lindsey Peterson, Keri Robbins, Jeff Russell, Karl Scholz, Matt Stilwell, Rachel Tatge, Tom Zinnen

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m.

The minutes of June 18 were approved.

•    ASEC Operating Procedures
ASEC reviewed its operating procedures and amended them to include a provision for the terms for chair and vice chair to be split into 6-month terms instead of a full year. Motion to approve ASEC operating procedures with amended language (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
•    Potential Special Assembly Meeting
ASEC discussed whether to hold a special meeting during the summer on a variety of issues. In advance of the election for a new chair, the discussion will be taken up further at the July 9 meeting.

Guest: Jeff Russell, Dean of the Division of Continuing Studies and Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning (Recommendations on Youth Protection Policy)
Dean Russell thanked the Ad Hoc Committee on Implementation of the Youth Protection Policy for its work in putting together its report, and he shared the report with the Provost. The question at this stage is what to do next and what additional help and input ASEC could provide. Dean Russell proposed the formation of a smaller working group to look at the recommendations from the report and figure out which ones can be areas of real focus. Dean Russell will draft a charge for ASEC to look at during a future meeting. The working group would dive into the recommendations in a way to give those who are running these programs more clarity, and an element of the charge would be communicating with the broader community. The final report of this group would go to the Provost. Dean Russell will submit the draft charge to Jake to share with ASEC.

Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
Regarding the topic of a search for a new Chief Diversity Officer, Provost Scholz said that a search committee will likely form in the fall, with the search commencing in early winter. In the meantime, Cheryl Gittens will be serving in the interim role. ASEC asked about potential caps in schools/colleges for awarding the research professor title. Provost Scholz reported that schools/colleges are in the process of preparing their own guidelines for the use of that title, with the guidelines to be submitted no later than December 31. No school or college will appoint people to these positions until these guidelines are complete. There will need to be an overview of department policies as well (e.g. mentoring). The Provost’s Office will be looking at these guidelines very carefully. Regarding the ability of instructors to reserve alternative classroom spaces (e.g. conference rooms), Provost Scholz said that it won’t be on individuals to have the responsibility to reserve spaces. Steve Cramer met with Mark Guthier and Bill Mann about using portions of Union South and the Pyle Center respectively. The Provost has discussed the collaborative use of spaces across campus with the deans. At this time the focus is on spaces on campus. Off-campus spaces have not been looked at.

Regarding the Smart Restart announcement and resuming classes in the fall, there is some optimism with regard to fall enrollment, but the latest spikes in Dane County are also worrisome. There has been no further discussion on furloughs, but even if enrollment numbers come in well, it will be a tough budget year.

Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to Student Panels and Election and Reconsideration of Nominations for ASEC Chair/Vice Chair (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

•    Appointments
Motion to appoint Laura Linde Turnes and Kari Fernholz to the Student Panels (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
•    ASEC Chair and Vice Chair Election
Motion to split the terms of chair and vice chair into 2 6-month terms (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Jenny Dahlberg elected as ASEC Chair from July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Tim Dalby elected as ASEC Chair from January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021
Mallory Musolf elected as ASEC Vice Chair from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Vice Provost Bernard-Donals updated ASEC on the status of the working group to look at campus guidelines for the Professor of Practice title. The charge to that committee is being worked on, and ASEC should have a significant voice in who is appointed to the group. Incoming Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs Beth Meyerand would chair the group.
Regarding the teaching and research professor titles, memos have gone out to all deans to put together guidelines at the school/college level and to direct departments to create any specific departmental policies, all to be completed by December 31. These guidelines will need to be approved in the Provost Office (with Vice Provost Meyerand as the point person). The post-tenure review policy is the standard model here. Nobody will be able to transfer into or be hired into the titles until the 2021 calendar year.

Vice Provost Bernard-Donals and ASEC discussed campus plans to reopen in the fall. He is on one of three groups that are working on issues surrounding a return to campus. The three groups are people, policy, and communication, and Vice Provost Bernard-Donals is a member of the people group. Over the next several weeks, the plan is to reach out to either a cross-section of employees or all employees to understand what concerns there are around returning. That working group will then gather and synthesize that information for the policy and communication groups. There are less than two months to complete both phases of that work. The group is looking at a simple survey to go out either to all employees or some sample of employees. ASEC discussed inconsistencies from schools/colleges/divisions in messaging on density, as well as issues that arise from interdisciplinarity. ASEC suggested that the CASIs would be good points of contact to gather these concerns as well. There are also many questions around face-to-face instruction, and pressures to return across both faculty and staff positions.

General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC chair, reported on the recent leadership meeting held by the Chancellor. The two primary topics were the resumption of campus operations in the fall and racial justice. Tim received feedback collected from several ASEC members and provided it to Vice Provost Bernard-Donals and the Chiefs of Staff. Tim said that it was his honor to serve as chair for the last 6 months and thanked ASEC for its work.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported that the search for the next deputy secretary would soon commence, with the position posted by the end of the week.

Liaison Reports
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron reported that the UW System Gender and Women’s Studies Consortium and the UW System Women and Science Program had drafted and distributed a set of recommendations on creation of caregiving policies at the campus level.

Mallory Musolf reported on the recent UW System Reps meeting with President Cross. There was discussion of testing, including some institutions that have been forming partnerships for testing. The general consensus is that everyone should be getting tested. Interim President Thompson joined the call and shared some of the things that he is looking at, including advocacy for financial resources at the state level. He said that he is counting on shared governance to provide the best advice possible.

Bill Tishler reported on the University Committee meeting of June 22. The Chancellor talked about the Smart Restart plan, as well as how UWPD had been on the forefront of current issues of racial justice, and that campus needs to do more. Provost Scholz and Vice Provost Cramer discussed the instructional continuity plan and the different teams working on that plan.

•    Topics for Guests
OHR: pressures on employees to return to work when they aren’t comfortable doing so; how cohorts for surveillance testing are being formed; questions on reporting non-mask usage by faculty and staff; update on reviewing policies for structural racism

Meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Karyn M. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff