Lumen Courses: Archived Courses

How to find courses that were archived and are not readily available when doing basic searches in Lumen Courses

About archived courses

Any course proposal completed in the Lumen Courses system remains available for reference. An archived course:

  • is not available in the Lumen Courses Search without checking the archive box, 
  • retains the historical data that existed before archiving,
  • has a subject + catalog number combination that is eligible for use on a new course proposal

The main use of archiving is in support of the Policy on Course Numbers, specifically the number reuse section. Lumen Courses enforces the course number reuse policy by not allowing a subject and number combination to be used on a course proposal if it is already in use on an active or discontinued course in Lumen Courses. For a subject + number combination to be reused again in Lumen Courses the previous version must be archived. Archiving retains the historical record but removes the subject + number combination from circulation. For more information, see the Policy on Course Numbers.

How courses are archived

At the end of each semester, the Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research produces a list of courses that have not had enrollment or been used on a student's record for transfer or study abroad equivalency in the past 8 years. Courses can only be archived by Lumen system administrators.


  1. DAPIR runs a query to identify courses that must be archived before the end of the term. The list of archived courses is available in this Google Sheet.
  2. DAPIR will archive courses not included in programs.
  3. If a course is listed in an active program, DAPIR will remove the course from the program and add an administrative note indicating such. These proposals will not be shredded and must be processed during the current academic year.
    1. Note - if this is not done, the Tableau dataviz for 'red-boxed' courses will not recognize this as being an error and will only be noticed when looking at the program. Additionally, if left in a program, there is a possibility that the subject + catalog number combination will be re-used and then those program requirements would include the new version of the course without reviewing it to see if it meets the program learning outcomes.
  4. DAPIR will send an email to Lumenaries at the end of every term indicating the courses that were archived with a list of programs where they were located, if applicable.

How to find archived courses

Once archived the course proposal history for a course is still available in Lumen Courses but an additional step is needed to find it.

It is essential to know the subject + catalog number to find archived courses, they are not searchable using courseID or title. Make sure to check the archive box to find courses that have been archived. If the box is not checked, the search results will be “No Results Found.”

Successful search of an archived course. Displays the Lumen Courses landing page with the archive box checked.

Query for archived courses

The query used to identify courses eligible for archiving includes the following elements:

  • CIM Course Key
  • Course ID
  • Subject Short Description
  • Course Catalog Number
  • Subject Short Description + Course Catalog Number
  • Course Title
  • The last term the course was offered with enrollment.
  • CIM Program Key (where an archived course was used) (link to program)
  • Plan or Subplan Code
  • Program Transcript Description
  • Program edited status prior to removing archived course (is edited)
  • Program last award, if suspended/discontinued

Query notes

Find all courses that were last offered in a term 8+ years from current term (current term + 80) then <= that term.

Get the last term offered for all inactive courses then join to the current PS_COURSE_CATALOG file from Lumen.  Find all inactive courses that are in the Lumen Courses course draw file that are present in the inactive courses last used.  This is the list of courses to archive in Lumen Courses.


Take the course IDs found above and find where used in LUMEN_CRSE_PROG_CROSSREF.  These are the courses that will be archived but are still listed in Lumen Programs.

Find the max proposal number for these CIM PROG Keys and get the program state, proposal status, school/college owner and join this with the data above.

KeywordsArchiving, Archive, archived courses, inactive courses, deactivated courses   Doc ID104224
OwnerMelissa S.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2020-07-22 11:03:36Updated2024-06-11 14:51:53
SitesLumen and Guide
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