SSFC Standing Rules

Last Updated: 28th Session October 12, 2021

The following are SSFC procedures and guidelines regarding how to conduct a meeting, how to administer funding, and other relevant rules. These rules are created and maintained by the SSFC.

  1. Eligibility Hearings Standing Rules

    1. In reference to ASM Constitution and Bylaws Section 2.032

    2. A group is considered a first time applicant to the General Student Services Fund if they have never received General Student Services Funding.

    3. All applicants are encouraged to consult with an ASM staff member for an “eligibility review meeting” to ensure an understanding of ASM and SSFC policies and application materials.

    4. On the assigned eligibility hearing date the group shall be given 20 minutes to explain to the SSFC the service they provide and to emphasize items from the eligibility application pertaining to the eligibility criteria and receive answers to those questions. 

      1. Each committee member shall be allowed to ask up to three questions per turn on the speakers list. 

      2. Only questions regarding specific eligibility criteria listed in the ASM bylaws or questions regarding aspects of the group's overall service shall be considered germane to the eligibility process. 

      3. The Chair has the authority to rule a question out of order.

      4. The 20 minute eligibility explanation can be sequential to the 20 minute budgetary explanation.

    5. At the next SSFC meeting following a group's presentation and questioning by the committee, the SSFC shall debate the group's eligibility. 

      1. Only one main motion regarding the group's eligibility shall be allowed. Amendments may not be offered during debate of a group's eligibility. 

      2. Each committee member shall be allowed to speak on the main motion until debate is exhausted or closed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the SSFC.

    6. Committee members shall complete the eligibility evaluation form, thoroughly, and return it to the SSFC Vice Chair by the beginning of the meeting in which that group's eligibility is voted on. Core Programming shall be listed in the eligibility evaluation form. For all criterion that require a numerical threshold to be met, the SSFC members shall detail how they arrived at their calculated number in the member's eligibility evaluation form.

    7. Appeals shall reference the following criteria:

      1. ASM Constitution and Bylaws Section 2.032(6)

      2. Student Judiciary Resources for Complaints and Appeals

  2. Monetary Hearings Standing Rules

    1. In reference to ASM Constitution and Bylaws Section 2.032(5)(c)

    2. The Chair of the SSFC or their designee shall disseminate the appropriate documents before each GSSF group’s monetary hearing to the committee members, including the group’s Eligibility Application, Budget Proposal, Students Served Tracking Form, and Current Year Expenditures.

    3. All applicants are encouraged to consult with an ASM staff member for a “budget review meeting” to ensure an understanding of ASM and SSFC policies and budget materials.

    4. On the assigned monetary hearing date, the group shall be given 20 minutes to present its budgetary needs. After the group's presentation, committee members may ask questions of the group's representatives regarding the budget. 

      1. Each committee member shall be allowed to ask up to three questions per turn on the speakers list. 

      2. The SSFC shall review the group’s application and make an initial recommendation at the meeting following the meeting at which the group had its hearing. 

      3. For the purposes of parliamentary procedure, the funding proposal as presented by the group shall be the main motion on the floor. 

      4. Motions shall be seconded and amendments may be passed by the SSFC by a majority vote. 

      5. Debate shall last until exhausted or closed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the SSFC.

      6. The 20 minute budgetary explanation can be sequential to the 20 minute eligibility explanation.

    5. The SSFC Chair or designee shall contact each group within 48 hours of the committee's initial budgetary recommendation for that group. The Chair of the SSFC shall also inform the group of their right to appeal their initial recommendation.

  3. Un-Allocated Standing Rules

    1. Payment of outstanding purchases from the prior fiscal year is the only appropriate expenditure for the Student Services Finance Committee un-allocated budget.

  4. Standing Rules Regarding Other SSFC Business

    1. Any SSFC committee member who is an active part of, or has held or is holding a paid position or leadership position within a GSSF organization shall recuse themselves from the eligibility vote, any budgetary votes, questioning, and debate pertaining to that organization.

    2. Any ASM member may be yielded time by a member of the SSFC during debate by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the SSFC.

    3. An initial eligibility decision or budgetary recommendation of a group may be appealed and changed only through a motion to reconsider by an SSFC member who voted in the majority of the initial eligibility decision or budgetary recommendation for the group. The motion to reconsider shall require a second and SSFC may pass the motion to reconsider by a two thirds (2/3) vote. Only if a motion to reconsider passes may an SSFC member make a motion to amend.

    4. Any other business of the SSFC other than that of an eligibility decision or budgetary recommendation may be appealed and changed only through a motion to reconsider by an SSFC member who voted in the majority of the previous decision for the group. The motion to reconsider shall require a second and the SSFC may pass the motion to reconsider by a two-thirds vote. Only if a motion to reconsider passes may an SSFC member make a motion.

    5. Groups who request changes to the SSFC’s initial budgetary recommendation shall be made in a motion to amend by a committee member. In a motion to amend, any SSFC member shall be allowed to put forth an alternative funding recommendation for any group, which appealed their initial recommendation. This motion shall require a second and SSFC may pass the motion by a majority vote.

    6. Any amendments to the standing rules shall be introduced and then voted on in the subsequent meeting. A two thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to approve the amendment to the standing rules.

    7. The SSFC Chair may approve the Vice Chair and Secretary’s stipends and the Vice Chair and Secretary may approve the SSFC Chair’s stipend.

    8. It is the Chair’s discretion if they deem there is an emergency, or time-sensitive matter.

    9. Co-sponsorship forms shall be received after any specific budget alteration for an event that requires a co-sponsorship form can be considered but both forms must be received and approved three weeks prior to the event or program to allow for any additional financial paperwork thereafter.

  5. Attendance Policy

    1. All SSFC members shall be expected to adhere to the following attendance policy:

      1. All SSFC members shall receive an unlimited number of excused absences to use at their discretion, provided they attend at least 75% of scheduled meetings.

      2. An excused absence shall be defined as an absence in which a notice of absence is submitted to the SSFC Chair and SSFC Secretary at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled meeting tie or an absence determined by the SSFC Chair to be an emergency.

      3. If a member fails to attend 75% of the meetings in a month, that member shall be put up for a vote of removal. Any member put up for removal shall be given a chance to defend their attendance record. If a member fails to attend 75% of the meetings in a month in which 7 or less meetings were held, it is up to the SSFC Chair’s discretion to put that member up for a vote of removal.

      4. An unexcused absence is defined as any absence not covered below:

        1. Class commitments at the time of meeting

        2. Religious observances

        3. Illness or death of a family member or domestic partner

        4. Work conflicts which cannot be resolved

        5. Previous commitments to other organizations

        6. Other ASM duties which must be performed at the time of the meeting

        7. Emergencies as deemed excusable by the Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary

      5. No pay shall be granted to members for meetings for which said members are absent at, excused or otherwise.

      6. SSFC members shall be allowed three unexcused absences.

      7. After a fourth unexcused absence, the member in question shall be removed immediately from SSFC rolls following the meeting and lose all voting rights in the committee. The Chair will notify the member in question of their removal immediately following the meeting the vote was taken in.

      8. A leave of absence shall be granted if three-fourths (¾) of the committee vote in favor of the leave. No leave of absence shall exceed the period of one academic semester. The committee shall not grant consecutive leaves of absence to any one member. The committee shall not grant leaves of absence for any academic program that is away from the UW-Madison campus. If a leave of absence is granted quorum shall exclude that member from the list of active members. 1) A leave of absence shall be granted only in extenuating circumstances with no viable alternative to service as deemed by the committee. 2) Members on a Leave of Absence shall not be compensated for any time worked in association with the committee.

      9. Members that cannot fulfill the attendance requirements of the committee shall either resign or be removed by the committee.
      10. All committee members shall adhere to the attendance policy.

  6. Code of Conduct

    1. All committee members shall make all good faith attempts to respond in a prompt manner to lobbying requests and attend any lobbying meeting requested of them.

    2. All committee members shall be fully prepared for, and engage in, all hearings. This shall include a full working knowledge of the segregated fee/GSSF allocation process.

    3. All committee members shall review all relevant documents prior to a GSSF hearing, including Eligibility Applications for any eligibility hearing and Eligibility Applications, Budget Proposals, Students Served Tracking Forms, and Current Year Expenditures for any monetary hearing.

    4. All committee members shall attend the official SSFC training held during the retreat at the start of the academic year, barring extenuating circumstances.

    5. All committee members shall make a good faith effort to interact with leaders of each of the GSSFs in a professional function during the academic year but after the eligibility season.

    6. All committee members shall refrain from engaging in distracting or otherwise unprofessional behavior during hearings.

ssfc, sffc, rules, standing rules 
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Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison