General Student Services Fund Eligibility Criteria

Last updated: April 20, 2020

The full GSSF Eligibility Criteria can be found within Section 2 of the ASM Constitution and Bylaws.

Below will be important notes pulled from the Eligibility Criteria to help inform your understanding of policy, however any decisions made by the SSFC will be informed by official bylaws within the ASM Constitution and Bylaws.
Organizations must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for the GSSF:
  • Must be a Registered Student Organization with the Center for Leadership and Involvement
  • Must submit an eligibility application on time (unless granted an extension by the SSFC ahead of the due date)
  • Must have written governing documents that describe the mission of the organization
  • Must not require dues to be a member when receiving GSSF fudning
  • Must not receive funding from other areas funded by the Student Segregated Fee (unless proper co-sponsorship plans are in place)

For further criteria on eligibility, please review the ASM bylaws.

gssf, gsff, ggsf, gssf resources, resources, ssfc, sffc, finance, student organization, general student services fund, eligibility, criteria, eligibility criteria 
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Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison