General Student Services Fund Lobbying Disclosure Form

Last Updated: 4/28/2021

The Lobbying Disclosure Form is used when members from a General Student Services Fund organization and members from the Student Services Finance Committee meet to discuss financial related topics.

This form must be filled out and signed by both parties and turned in to the ASM Financial Staff.

Lobbying simply refers to student leaders in the GSSF or SSFC seeking out the other to identify and address their priorities, concerns, and questions prior to a hearing.

By completing lobbying disclosure forms, the risk of undue influence/favoritism is lessened. Pre-hearing communication is productive because it reduces any surprises that may come up during hearings or decisions.
You can find a complete list of SSFC Representatives to contact for lobbying purposes on the ASM-SSFC Website. As such, SSFC representatives are provided with all contact information for GSSF leaders that is provided in the GSSF application materials.

gssf, gsff, ggsf, gssf resources, resources, ssfc, sffc, finance, student organization, general student services fund, lobbying, lobby disclosure, disclosure, form 
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Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison