General Student Services Fund Wage Exemption Form

Last Updated: 7/10/2023

The Wage Exemption Form is used when an employee will need an exemption to the SSFC/ASM wage policies found in the ASM Constitution and Bylaws and SSFC Policies and Procedures.

Wage exemptions must be approved by the Student Services Finance Committee with a 2/3 vote prior to the end of the pay period in which the exemption occurs. Failure to do so will result in a wage violation. 
If the SSFC is not currently meeting, the SSFC Chair can approve at their discretion.
At no point can an employee work more than 29 hours in a week per Affordable Care Act requirements. This includes time worked at all campus employment positions.
The Wage Exemption Form can be submitted via the Wage Exemption Submission Form.

Keywordsgssf, gsff, ggsf, gssf resources, resources, ssfc, sffc, finance, student organization, general student services fund, wage, wage exemption form, forms   Doc ID104587
OwnerKelly K.GroupAssociated Students of Madison
Created2020-08-03 11:41:40Updated2024-09-05 16:38:20
SitesAssociated Students of Madison
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