Honorlock - Showing your Work on an Honorlock Exam [UW-Madison]

This document outlines how instructors can set up an exam with Honorlock such that students can show their work.

Although Honorlock was designed to work with Canvas quizzes and other online, third-party tools such as Atomic Assessments and publisher DLTs, we recognize that many instructors may wish to provide partial credit and require that students show their work by submitting hand-written work through Canvas. Follow the steps outlined below to set up an exam such that students can upload their work to Canvas for grading.

Setting up a Canvas Quiz with File Upload and Honorlock

  1. Create a Canvas Quiz as outlined in this Canvas Community article. Please note that New Quizzes are not available at UW-Madison, so you will not need to select a quiz engine.
  2. Click +New Question and add a 'File Upload Question' to your quiz.
    • In the question, describe how you want students to upload their work. For example, please state the acceptable file upload types (e.g., .PNG, .JPEG, .JPG, .PDF)
    • Consider adding language to remind students that they were given [[[X]]] extra minutes for file upload
    • Remind students that if they need to upload more than one file, they either need to compress it into a single .zip file for upload, or they need to combine all the pages into one PDF.
  3. Click Update Question to save your quiz.
  4. Enable Honorlock in your course as outlined in Honorlock - Enabling Honorlock in Canvas (Instructor) [UW-Madison].
  5. Enable your Canvas quiz in Honorlock as shown in this Honorlock video.

Special Considerations

  • Because requiring students to show their work is outside of Honorlock's intended use, please allow extra time for your students to deal with technical issues they may encounter. We recommend that instructors provide an extra 10 minutes for each hour the exam is expected to take.
  • If you decide to enable the Record Webcam option for your proctored exam, students will not be flagged for being partially out of view if Scratch Paper Allowed, Notes Allowed, Open Book Allowed, or Restroom Breaks Allowed is selected from Student Guidelines when enabling Honorlock with an assessment. Please reassure your students they will not be automatically penalized if flags are triggered for allowed behavior that involves them looking away from the camera.
  • If students do not have a scanner, they may need to use their phones and access their email to download their work to their computer. If you are using Browser Guard, we recommend students send their work to their UW-Madison email, and that you add https://outlook.office.com/ as an Allowed Site URL in proctoring settings. Please reassure your students they will not be automatically penalized for flags that are triggered by approved use of a phone.

Language to Share With Students

The following example language can be modified and shared with students so that they understand the process of how to upload their work. Please note that you will need to make updates to this text before sharing it with your students so it reflects what to expect in your class.

Preparing for your Exam

In this class, Honorlock will be used to proctor your exams. You are also required to upload your work to Canvas such that you can be granted partial credit when necessary. Please review the steps below prior to each exam to ensure you know how to correctly upload your work.

  1. Before beginning your exam, please login to your @wisc.edu email through outlook.office.com. You will not be able to login once you begin your exam.
  2. Navigate back to Canvas and go through the Honorlock authentication process.
  3. If Browser Guard is enabled for your exam, all non-exam tabs will close at beginning of the exam. You will be able to open a new tab to access your email after you start your exam.
  4. Begin working on your exam. Please note that if you are looking away or out of view from your screen when the webcam is enabled, your instructor may receive a flag for later review for being out of view. Please stay in view of your webcam for the duration of the exam session if the webcam is enabled. 
  5. Once you complete your exam, you will need to upload your work to your computer. You can do this by either scanning your work, or by taking a picture of your work and emailing it to yourself. Please keep in mind that you have to complete your work and upload it to Canvas within the time limit for your exam. You will have [[[X]]] extra minutes to upload your work to Canvas.
    • Please note that you will not be automatically penalized for being outside of the camera frame or using your phone when you are scanning or taking pictures of your exam for submission.
    • If you are scanning your exam, make sure all pages are combined into one PDF. Store the PDF in a spot you will remember.
    • If you are using your phone to make a digital copy of your work, please email it to your @wisc.edu email address. All other sites, except outlook.office.com will be blocked during the exam.
      • If you used your phone, be sure to download your images as a .zip file by selecting ‘download all’. Make sure to store the .zip file in a spot you will remember.
  6. Navigate back to your exam.
  7. Click the ‘Choose a file’ button, and select the file to upload. Please remember that you can only upload a single file.
  8. Click the submit quiz button once your file is uploaded. Honorlock will stop all monitoring after you submit your exam.

KeywordsHonorlock, honor lock, proctoring, online proctoring, remote proctoring, academic integrity, exam, finals, test, midterm, quiz, partial credit, show work, showing work, pencil and paper   Doc ID104644
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2020-08-04 15:13:11Updated2024-07-05 13:54:06
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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