Business Office - E-Reimbursement General Guidelines

Expense reimbursement guidelines from the SoHE Business Office.


Important things to remember:

- Travel related expenses must be submitted and substantiated within 90 days from the end of the business trip.

- Non-travel related expenses must be submitted and substantiated within 90 days of the date the expense was incurred.

- SERVICES are NOT reimbursable via e-reimbursement. If you need to purchase a service of any kind, including fees to submit an abstract, or services paid to an individual or a company, these can be made with a purchasing card, direct payment, or payment to individual. Please reach out to the Business Office first for guidance on these purchases. See the list of expenses that are non-reimbursable.


UW Employees

UW employees may use the online system at Expense Reimbursement to prepare a reimbursement themselves, or have an Alternate prepare it on their behalf. 

Submitting your own expense report:

  • Business Services frequently has e-reimbursement training.
  • Attach digital documentation
    • Attach a digital copy of your documentation (receipts, schedules, program, etc.)
    • All receipts attached as one PDF, if possible (instead of a handful of attachments)  
  • Provide the funding string that you'd like to charge the expense(s) to
  • Provide a clear and detailed business justification explaining how the expense benefited you and the University (more than "research")
  • Once approved by the Business Office, payment will be direct deposited to the same bank account as your Payroll. The deposit is typically within 3 days of approval.
  • TER Header Help Sheet - This tip sheet will show you how to complete the header portion of an expense report. This portion of the expense report will include general information about your travel/expense and adding any necessary attachments.
  • General Expenses Help Sheet - This tip sheet will show you how to enter less common expenses on expense reports. Please use this guide for a detailed definition of each expense type.

To assign an Alternate to submit your expense report:
  • Instructions to assign an alternate. Choose a SoHE employee or contact the Business office.
  • Provide the following information to your Alternate.
    • All pertinent documentation in either hard-copy or digital form (receipts, schedules, program, etc.)
    • Funding information that you'd like the expenses charged to
    • A clear and detailed business justification explaining how the expense benefited you and the University (more than "research") 
  • Although not required, the SoHE e-reimbursement form is a helpful guide to provide all needed information to your Alternate
  • After the expense report is prepared, you will be notified via email that the report is ready for your review and submit. Click the link provided in the email, sign in and follow the instructions to submit the report. (all employees MUST submit their own reports)
  • Once approved by the Business Office, payment will be direct deposited to the same bank account as your Payroll. The deposit is typically within 3 days of approval.


For non-UW employees who seek e-reimbursement for appropriate expenses, a profile will need to be completed. Please contact the Business Office to get that set up. Once a profile is created for a non-UW-employee, an Alternate will then be assigned to complete and submit the expense report.

Non-UW Employees will need to provide the following information to their Alternate:

  • All pertinent documentation in either hard-copy or digital form (receipts, schedules, program, etc.)
  • Funding information to charge expense(s) to
  • A clear and detailed business justification explaining how the expense benefited the University (more than "research") 
  • Although not required, the SoHE e-reimbursement form is a helpful guide to provide all needed information to the Alternate
  • Once approved by the Business Office, payment will be mailed to the individual within 3 – 5 business days.

Cash Advances

Employees may request a Cash Advance to cover travel-related expenses when other payment methods are not available or practical. Employees must submit and Expense Reimbursement after the travel to account for their expenses. Any excess Advance must be refunded to the University. Cash Advances must be fully reconciled within 30 days of the end of the trip. For assistance in obtaining a Cash Advance, contact Michael Kukula.

expense reimbursement, e-re, travel, e-reimbursement, supplies, documentation, receipts, alternate, services, 90 days, justification, cash advance, expense report. non-reimbursable, abstract fees, manuscript, submission 
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Angela O. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology