Business Office - Reimbursement for Vehicle Rental

Expense Reimbursement Guidelines for Vehicle Rental from the SoHE Business Office.

E-Reimbursement System

Vehicle Rental Help Sheet - This tip sheet will show you how to enter a vehicle rental claim on an expense report

Driver Authorization

University employees who operate a vehicle on UW business – whether utilizing a personal vehicle, fleet vehicle, or rental vehicle – must be authorized to drive by UW-Madison Risk Management.  Non-authorized drivers will not be reimbursed for vehicle-related expenses.  Non-employees are not required to be authorized drivers unless they are a current UW student or a volunteer on behalf of UW.

  • To confirm your status, please visit the online authorized driver database
    • Logon as a UW employee at UW-Madison.
    • Click on “Reports” in the top banner, then click “Driver Summary” to search
       for your name.
    • If you are not found in the database you will need to register to become authorized.
  • Driver authorizations take up to 10 business days, so plan ahead
  • Once you’re authorized and have a WI license, you do not need to renew for subsequent trips.
  • Those with out-of-state licenses or students will need to reapply. See Driver Authorization Renewal Instructions for more info.
  • Any negative change in your driving record may result in revocation
     of authorization.
  • Any requests for mileage reimbursement or vehicle rental will not be processed without completed Driver Authorization.

Vehicle Rental & Gas Checklist (click for printable checklist)

The following documentation should be submitted for vehicle rental expenses:

  • Itemized Vehicle Rental Receipt, along with the original vehicle rental agreement.  (booked using the Big Ten Alliance contract with Enterprise and National Car Rental when renting a vehicle for business use.  If Enterprise and National do not serve the location of travel, the State of Wisconsin contract with Hertz must be used.)
  • Booking Methods: Contract rentals through Enterprise, National, or Hertz must be booked through Concur or directly with the University’s contracted travel agency. If Enterprise, National or Hertz do not serve a particular location and another vendor must be used, travelers are encouraged, but not required, to use the same methods to reserve a vehicle.
  • UW-Madison business purpose and description of the trip and 
  • A justification of why a rental vehicle was chosen as the most cost-effective means of transportation vs. other options (taxis, shuttles, etc.) entered in the Description/Notes field of the expense report.  May attach cost comparisons from taxi estimate websites to show cost-effectiveness, if needed (i.e. TaxiFareFinder).  
  • Gasoline Receipts: Receipts for gas for rental vehicles are required to support payment/reimbursement claims.

Please Note: The traveler is responsible for fueling the rental vehicle before returning it to the rental vehicle vendor.  If the traveler fails to return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel, the cost of the vendor refueling the vehicle will not be paid or reimbursed by the University.

  • Documentation that an approved driver application has been submitted to UW-Risk Management, if not an approved driver with Active status on the Approved Driver Database.

gas, authorized driver, approved driver, e-reimbursement, expense reimbursement, driving 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Angela O. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology