WIRC – specimen loan policy
The Borrower hereby agrees to:
- sign, return loan invoices and respond to subsequent inquiries pertaining to loan;
- maintain borrowed specimens in a safe, pest-free environment;
- forward no portion of specimen loan to third party without approval from Lender;
- remove Borrower's temporary collection code labels from specimens before returning material;
- return specimen loan to Lender on or before due date, or request (by email or telephone) loan extension;
- assure specimens are properly packaged for safe return shipment and cover return postage;
- return all primary type material via registered mail (registered airmail if overseas); and
- provide Lender with PDFs of papers based wholly or in part on study of specimens from the Wisconsin Insect Research Collection (WIRC) and acknowledge the WIRC in such publications.
General information
Dissection: The Borrower may perform necessary dissection of specimens or perform other specialized treatments, including slide-mounting, provided manipulation does not detract from the scientific value of the specimen. All detached parts must be returned clearly labeled and associated. Any such alterations of loaned primary types must be approved in advance by Lender.
SEM: Duplicate specimens from series may be coated for SEM studies. Neither primary nor secondary types should be coated.
Determination labels: Borrowers are requested to place determination labels on all individual specimens.
Retention policy: All previously identified material, even if misidentified, is to be returned unless prior approval for specific retentions has been granted. Such retentions are usually allowable if there is sufficient duplicate material and additions (exchanges) are made that enhance the taxonomic representation of the WIRC.
Subject to approval by the WIRC Director, the Borrower may retain up to 1/3 of specimens from unidentified material sent on loan and identified to species by the Borrower. Preference would be for retention requests to come from specimen series (i.e., identical collection event data). Unique specimens should be returned. Any proposed deviations from this policy should be submitted to the WIRC Director for consideration of approval.
Paratypes: Subject to approval by the loan initiator, the Borrower may retain up to 1/3 of specimens from newly designated paratype series for distribution to other collections.
Primary types: Holotypes, lectotypes, and neotypes designated from WIRC material must be returned to the WIRC. All primary types must be sent via registered mail, or registered airmail if overseas.
Overdue loans: Borrowers are encouraged to return loans as soon as possible after the completion of their work. Loans are made for a period of three years. Extensions are regularly granted on loans as long as the material is being actively studied.