Research - FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to research, proposals, and other sponsored programs topics.

Can a faculty member submit their own proposal directly to a sponsor?

No, not to an external sponsor. Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is the only campus entity authorized to submit extramural research proposals on behalf of UW employees. Faculty may only submit extramural proposals once it is 1) reviewed by the preaward research administrator and 2) approved for submission by RSP. See additional KB resources for Submitting a Proposal.

I plan to be a Co-Investigator on a proposal that will be submitted by another institution. What do I need for that type of collaboration? 

Any UW faculty member who will receive funds for work on a project that is being submitted by another institution needs to process what are known as Subaward proposal documents through regular campus review and approval channels, prior to the lead site submitting the proposal. At a minimum, this includes:

  • Institutional Letter of Intent (LOI). This is a letter signed by an authorized official at RSP, indicating the budget and scope of work for the UW Subaward has institutional approval
  • Budget and Budget Justification. The budget details, in the sponsor's required format, must be reviewed and approved by the preaward research administrator and RSP prior to being incorporated into the lead site's budget
  • Scope of Work. A brief but detailed description of the work to be performed at UW

How does the School handle course buyouts when a faculty member will need to devote a significant amount of time for research?

Before considering a course buyout, the faculty member should discuss that option with their Department Chair to be sure a course buyout can be accommodated. With the Chair's approval, the faculty member will need to budget 20% annual or academic salary for one course, plus fringe benefits. The preaward research administrator can help with the budget calculations.

How much does it cost to hire a Project Assistant?

Costs for a PA depend on many factors, including % FTE, fringe benefit rate used, and whether full or partial (pro-rated) tuition remission will be charged. See Graduate Assistantship resources for more information, or go to the SOHE KB page with information on Hiring Graduate Assistants and Costs for Budgeting.

What is payroll certification?

The university is responsible for providing reasonable assurance that salary charges are accurate, allowable and properly allocated. Thus, payroll must be certified for all individuals who receive salary support from federally sponsored projects, or whose salary is provided as cost share on federally sponsored projects. Principal investigators must certify in a timely manner, every six months, salary charges for all employees paid on their federal projects. See campus policy UW-4015 for more information.

I was given a confidentiality agreement by a collaborator and was asked to sign it. Am I allowed to sign it?

No, not if the work governed by the agreement relates to your institutional responsibilities. RSP must sign contracts or agreements related to research or similar activities of UW employees. Contact the preaward research administrator for assistance with having the agreement reviewed and signed by RSP.

research faq frequently asked question 
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Sarah M. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology