Account Self-Linking - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is Self-Link needed?

Self-Link is used to combine users who have multiple records in the system. One of the most common example of this situation is when a student start becoming an employee for the university. Normally, the system will match those records using their SSN and date of birth.

However, this is not possible for users that don't have SSN on the records (E.g. foreign students). In the worst case scenario, that person can accidentally create 2 NetIDs. This is problematic because that person would have 2 sets of login id and password. They might even end up having 2 email and calendar accounts and so on.

With the Self-Link tool, we can prevent problems like this from happening more frequently and provide a better experience to our users.

Benefits of using Self-Link tool?

  • Being pro-active in reducing authorization problems

  • Better employee experience (1 NetID, not 2)

  • User will have full access to authorized applications

  • Reduces the risk of 2 NetID's, email account, calendars, WisCards etc.

Caution: If you plan to Self-Link someone, do not give them the NetID Activation Key.

How do I use Self-Link?

See Account Self-Linking - Generate a Linking Key

What happens after the Self-Link key is generated?

The student/new employee would receive an email containing their self-link key as well as the intructions to navigate to the webpage to do self-link

See Account Self-Linking - How to Connect Your Accounts for more detailed instructions

How should I know in HR if someone should be Self-Linked?

A report is generated for each Division and Department, to help identify accounts that MAY need to be linked. The report consists of:

  • All Employee's entered into HRS in the last 30 days
  • Person has an invalid SSN or no SSN
  • Pay Basis not equal to L(Lump Sum), N(No pay Basis)
  • Do not include people identified as Instructor, Advisor, DARS in the timetable (do not confuse with title of position)
  • Report will be in Cypress each Monday by 7am

Once the user is linked, it will be removed from the next report.

Please note, if there is no data for your Dept/Division, no report will be produced.

Even after the users are successfully linked, if an SSN was needed before for W2's and other tax forms it would still be needed.

How do I request access to the Self-Link Tool?

See Account Self-Linking - Requesting Access

Keywordsself link selflink selflinking faq   Doc ID105962
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2020-09-18 11:32:56Updated2022-05-17 13:20:46
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management
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