Program Affiliation Changes - Updating Employee Information

When program affiliations change, it is the responsibility of these administrative groups to make appropriate updates behind the scenes to update employee information.

Primary Program Affiliation Changes


  1. ASU will update the individual’s home UDDS code on their appointment record in HRS.
  2. ASU will issue a new letter with the change in operational area to the individual affected by the change.
  3. ASU will send an email to the financial manager(s) to confirm that the home UDDS code is updated.

Financial Manager (OFS - Resources - Financial Specialists & Managers Contact List)

  • Financial manager updates budget line for primary program affiliation.

Data Manager (Administrative Support (Data Managers) - Roles & Responsibilities)

  • Data Manager will update the staff directory.

Secondary Program Affiliation Changes

Data Manager (Administrative Support (Data Managers) - Roles & Responsibilities)

  • Data Manager will update the staff directory.
  • Data Manager will update email list(s).

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Keywordsprimary secondary change request HRS UDDS Budget Line Staff Directory   Doc ID106412
OwnerNathaniel S.GroupExtension Handbook
Created2020-10-06 12:09:59Updated2024-02-01 09:17:20
SitesExtension Handbook
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