InterPro - Technology - Web Conferencing - Recommended Zoom Settings for Hosts

This document describes InterPro's recommended Zoom meeting and recording settings.

Recommended Zoom Settings for Hosts

Below are the recommended settings for InterPro Zoom meeting hosts. These settings are universal, meaning they apply to all meetings within your Zoom account.  Bolded settings have a greater impact on the student and host experience and are accompanied by one of the following highlighted details regarding their management. 

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

This meeting-specific setting may be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting or prior to the meeting start. This setting cannot be changed after the meeting start.

This setting can be managed during a meeting regardless of settings chosen prior to the meeting start.

Hosts might use different settings depending on their course delivery needs or personal preference. Contact the Learning Design & Technologies team at if you would like a consultation regarding how these settings relate to your course. 


Access settings in the Zoom web portal -

Click Sign in, log in with your NetID, and click on Settings (on the left side of the screen).  Setting tabs are listed across the top of the screen. This document specifies settings for General, Meeting, AI Companion, Recording, Calendar, Audio Conferencing, Zoom Apps, and Notes.

General: Data & Storage and Other
Meeting: Security
Meeting: Schedule Meeting
Meeting: In Meeting (Basic)
Meeting: In Meeting (Advanced)
Meeting: Email Notification
Meeting: Other
AI Companion
Audio Conferencing
Zoom Apps



General Zoom Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Customize data centers for meeting/webinar/whiteboard data Zoom data centers process real-time meeting/webinar video, audio, and shared content when you host meetings and webinars. They can also process your Zoom Whiteboard data. Selecting all data centers can provide the best experience for participants joining from all regions. Opting out of data centers may limit participants joining from those regions from using CRC, Dial-in, Call Me, and Invite by Phone.


disabled toggle switch

The United States data center region cannot be disabled.
Feedback to Zoom Users can provide satisfaction scores and text feedback on the Zoom product. 


disabled toggle switch

Show "Join from a room" feature on Zoom meetings in the Zoom client meeting list Users can easily start a meeting on a Zoom Room from their Zoom client. 


disabled toggle switch

Hide potentially sensitive information on mobile task switcher By enabling this option, iOS will blur the screenshot in the task switcher when multiple apps are open, and Android will hide the screenshot in the system-level recent apps list.


enabled toggle switch

Meeting: Security

Meeting: Security Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Require that all meetings are secured with one security option

Require that all meetings are secured with one of the following security options: a passcode, Waiting Room, or "Only authenticated users can join meetings".

If no security option is enabled, Zoom will secure all meetings with Waiting Room.



This is required by UW.
Waiting Room When participants join a meeting, place them in a waiting room and require the host to admit them individually. Enabling the waiting room automatically disables the setting for allowing participants to join before host.



Waiting Room Options The options you select here apply to meetings hosted by users who turned 'Waiting Room' on

Everyone will go in the waiting room

People in the waiting room are sorted by alphabetical order

Users invited during the meeting by the host or co-hosts will bypass the waiting room

Click Edit Options to customize Waiting Room Options.

Click Customize Waiting Room to customize what participants will see while in the waiting room. 

Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings A passcode will be generated when scheduling a meeting and participants require the passcode to join the meeting. The Personal Meeting ID (PMI) meetings are not included.



Require a passcode for instant meetings A random passcode will be generated when starting an instant meeting



Require a password for Personal Meeting ID (PMI) Only meetings with Join Before Host enabled



Require passcode for participants joining by phone A numeric passcode will be required for participants joining by phone if your meeting has a passcode. For meeting with an alphanumeric passcode, a numeric version will be generated.



Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join Meeting passcode will be encrypted and included in the invite link to allow participants to join with just one click without having to enter the passcode.



Only authenticated meeting participants and webinar attendees can join meetings and webinars Meeting participants and webinar attendees will need to authenticate prior to joining a session. Hosts can choose one of the options below when scheduling meetings or webinars.

Disabled - NCPD


Meetings & Webinar Authentication Options:

Sign in to Zoom (Default)

Sign in with

Allow authentication exception is enabled and locked by admin.
If Waiting Room is enabled, phone-only users will be placed in the Waiting Room.
If Waiting Room is not enabled, phone dial-in only users will:
Be allowed to join the meeting
Block users in specific domains from joining meetings and webinars



Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client The participants need to authenticate prior to joining meetings from web client

Disabled - NCPD


Approve or block entry for users from specific countries/regions Determine whether users from specific regions or countries can join meetings/webinars on your account by adding them to your Approved List or Blocked List. Blocking regions may limit CRC, Dial-in, Call Me, and Invite by Phone options for participants joining from those regions.



Display Okta Authentication for end-to-end encryption Enabling will display a verified badge in end-to-end encrypted meetings. Participants can view your verified email and company domain name in your profile card. Changes to this setting will apply the next time you join a meeting.

Disabled - Locked by admin

diabled toggle switch

Meeting: Schedule Meeting

Meeting: Schedule Meeting Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Host video Start meetings with host video on



Participants video Start meetings with participant video on. Participants can change this during the meeting.



Audio Type Determine how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting. When joining audio, you can let them choose to use their computer microphone/speaker or use a telephone. You can also limit them to just one of those audio types. If you have 3rd party audio enabled, you can require that all participants follow the instructions you provide for using non-Zoom audio. Telephone and Computer Audio

Allow participants to join before host

This meeting-specific setting may be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting or prior to the meeting start. This setting cannot be changed after the meeting start.

Allow participants to join the meeting before the host arrives



Check: Participants can join anytime 

Enable continuous meeting chat Chat will continue before, during, and after the meeting the Team Chat for signed in users.


disabled toggle switch

Allow Zoom Rooms to start meeting with Host Key

 Disabled - Locked by admin


Enable Personal Meeting ID A Personal Meeting ID (PMI) is a 9 to 11 digit number that is assigned to your account. You can visit Personal Meeting Room to change your personal meeting settings. 



Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting You can visit Personal Meeting Room to change your Personal Meeting settings.



Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meeting



Add watermark

Each attendee sees their own email address embedded as a watermark on any shared content, participant video feeds, or both.

This option requires enabling "Only authenticated meeting participants and webinar attendees can join meetings and webinars."



Mute all participants when they join a meeting

This meeting-specific setting may be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting or prior to the meeting start. This setting cannot be changed after the meeting start.

Automatically mute all participants when they join the meeting. The host controls whether participants can unmute themselves.



Although not the same as muting participants when joining, current and new participants may be muted at the beginning of a started meeting. To do so:

1) Click Participants in the Zoom toolbar.

2) In the Participants panel, click Mute All.

3) In the pop-up window, check "Allow participants to unmute themselves" and click Mute All.

Upcoming meeting reminder Receive desktop notification for upcoming meetings. Reminder time can be configured in the Zoom Desktop Client.



Meeting Templates Allow Admins to define 'Meeting Templates' and make them available to users.


disabled toggle switch

Webinar Templates Allow Admins to define 'Webinar Templates' and make them available to users. 


disabeled toggle switch

Meeting: In Meeting (Basic)

Meeting: In Meeting (Basic) Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Require encryption for 3rd party endpoints (SIP/H.323) By default, Zoom requires encryption for all data transferred between the Zoom cloud, Zoom client, and Zoom Room. Turn on this setting to require encryption for 3rd party endpoints (SIP/H.323) as well. 3rd party (SIP/H.323) endpoints that cannot negotiate media encryption compatible with Zoom's standards will be blocked from joining Zoom meetings.



Meeting Chat

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow meeting participants to send chat messages



By default, allow participants to chat with Everyone

Check: Allow users to save chats from the meeting. Select Host and co-hosts and click Save.

Uncheck: Only users in your account can chat

New meeting chat experience

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow meeting participants to use new meeting chat features, including threaded replies, text formatting, quoting, and in-line image preview. Additional features can be configured below.


enabled toggle switch

Check: Allow participants to delete messages in meeting chat

Check: Enable the Screenshot feature in meeting chat

Check:  Allow participants to react to meeting chat messages using emojis

Meeting chat - Direct messages Allow meeting participants to send direct messages to other participants



Applies to participants sending direct messages to other participants only. Hosts and co-hosts will be able to send direct messages to participants.

Meeting chat - Auto-save Automatically save chat messages to a local file on the host's computer when the meeting ends


enabled toggle switch

By default, the text file is saved in Documents > Zoom folder and is named as the meeting date and end time.

Sound notification when someone joins or leaves

This setting can be managed during a meeting regardless of settings chosen prior to the meeting start.



To enable/disable during a meeting:

1) Click Participants in the Zoom toolbar.

2) In the Participants panel, click More.

3) Check/uncheck "Play Join and Leave Sound."

Announce number of participants for dial-in participants



Send files via meeting chat

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Hosts and participants can send files through the in-meeting chat.



Uncheck: Only allow specified file types

Uncheck: Maximum file size

Requirement for use: Meeting chat must also be enabled prior to the meeting start. 

Display end-of-meeting experience feedback survey Display a thumbs up/down survey at the end of each meeting. If participants respond with thumbs down, they can provide additional information about what went wrong.




This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow the host to add co-hosts. Co-hosts have the same in-meeting controls as the host.



Meeting Polls/Quizzes

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow host to add polls before or during a meeting



Check: Allow images uploaded in polls/quizzes to be displayed

Check: Allow alternative host to add or edit polls and quizzes

Uncheck: Require answers to be anonymous

Check: Allow host to create breakout rooms from poll results

Polls/Quizzes should be prepared and added to the meeting before the meeting starts whenever possible. To do so:

1) Click Surveys in the Zoom menu (left side of the web portal)

2) Click the Create button.

3) Choose Poll or quiz and click Create.

Polls and quizzes are now available in all meetings scheduled by the same host. 

With Meeting Polls/Quizzes enabled, and an alternative host is chosen, "Allow alternative host to add or edit polls and quizzes" (only) may be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting.

Meeting Survey Allow host to present survey to participants once a meeting has ended



Who can participate: Everyone in the meeting

Show raised hand in toolbar

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Separate the Raise Hand reaction from the others for quicker access during a meeting


enabled toggle switch

Show raised hand in toolbar must be enabled prior to the meeting start, however, the skin tone of the raised hand can be changed during a meeting:

1) Click Meeting Information (green shield in upper left corner of meeting window).

2) Click the gear icon > General.

3) Select the desired skin tone.

Show Zoom windows during screen share



Screen sharing

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow host and participants to share their screen or content during meetings and webinars



Select: One participant can share at a time

Who can share? Select: All participants

Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing? Select: Host only

In order to access the meeting options described below, Screen Sharing must be enabled prior to the meeting start. 

To change Advanced Sharing Options during a meeting, click the carrot next to Share Screen in the Zoom toolbar, then choose Advanced Sharing Options. 

To Share computer sound and/or Optimize for video clip:

1) Click Share Screen in Zoom toolbar.

2) Check each desired option's checkbox, then click Share


3) After sharing your screen, click More in the floating meeting controls and select/deselect these options.

Disable desktop screen sharing for meetings you host When this option is on, users can only share selected applications and files. This option may not be applicable to users using web clients.



Disable screen sharing when guests are in the meeting Guests include users who are not signed in or not in the same account. Participants who dial-in via phone or join with SIP/H.323 devices will still be able to screen share.

Disabled - locked, only IT can change


Disable remote control and remote support for guests in a meeting

Guests include users who are not signed in or not in the same account. When this setting is on, users will not be able to give remote control to an external participant and external participants cannot request control of the user.

Disabled - locked by admin



This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow host and participants to use annotation tools to add information to shared screens



Check: Allow saving of shared screens with annotations

Uncheck: Only the user who is sharing can annotate

Whiteboard (Classic)

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow host and participants to share whiteboard during a meeting



Check: Allow to save the whiteboard content

Uncheck: Automatically create local export when sharing is stopped

Remote control During screen sharing, the person who is sharing can allow others to control the shared content



Slide Control During a presentation, the person who is sharing can allow others to control the PowerPoint or Keynote slide presentation



Non-verbal feedback

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.
Allow meeting participants to communicate without interrupting by clicking on icons (yes, no, slow down, speed up, coffee cup). These icons are found in the Reactions menu in the toolbar, and when selected, they display on the participant's video and in the participants list until dismissed.



Meeting reactions

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.
Allow meeting participants to communicate without interrupting by reaction with emojis (e.g. clap, heart, laugh). These emojis are found in the Reactions menu in the toolbar, and when selected, they display on the participant's video and in the participants list for 10 seconds. Participants can change their emoji skin tone in Settings.



Select: Selected emojis

Join different meetings simultaneously on desktop Allow user to join different meetings at the same time on one desktop device



Allow removed participants to rejoin Allow previously removed meeting participants and webinar panelists to rejoin



Show invitee list in the Participants panel Users invited to meetings on other platforms (e.g. Google, Outlook, or Exchange) will also be shown on this list



Allow users to change their name when joining a meeting By disabling this setting, users will always use their name on profile page to join a meeting



Allow participants to rename themselves

This setting can be managed during a meeting regardless of settings chosen prior to the meeting start.

Allow meeting participants and webinar panelists to rename themselves.



This setting is managed in two places during a meeting.

1) Security (Zoom toolbar) > Allow All Participants to: Rename Themselves.

2) Participants (Zoom toolbar) > More in Participants panel > Allow participants to rename.

Allow host or co-host to rename participants in the waiting room Participants will be notified of name change



Hide participant profile pictures in a meeting All participant profile pictures will be hidden and only the names of participants will be displayed on the video screen. Participants will not be able to update their profile pictures in the meeting. 



Meeting: In Meeting (Advanced)

Meeting: In Meeting (Advanced) Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Report to Zoom Allow users to report meeting participants for inappropriate behavior to Zoom's Trust and Safety team for review. This setting can be found on the meeting information panel.



Q&A in meetings

This meeting-specific setting may be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting or prior to the meeting start. This setting cannot be changed after the meeting start.

Allow participants to ask questions for the host and participants to answer.


enabled toggle switch

Q&A must be enabled prior to meeting start to be available during the meeting.

To set Q&A settings prior to meeting start:

1) Click on meeting title (topic) in Upcoming Meetings list.

2) Click Q&A tab at the top of the My Meetings > Manage (meeting title) page. 

3) Click Edit, make desired changes, and click Save. 

To change Q&A settings during a meeting:

1) Click Q&A in Zoom toolbar.

2) Click the gear icon in the Q&A window and make desired changes. Changes take immediate effect, there is no Save button. 

Breakout room - Meetings

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow host to split meeting participants into separate, smaller rooms



Check: Assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling

Check: Broadcast message to participants

Check: Broadcast voice to breakout rooms

Check: Allow host to view activity statuses of participants in breakout rooms (e.g. share screen, reactions)

When "Assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling" is checked in Settings, it may also be enabled/disabled when scheduling a meeting. 

The other three breakout room settings must be checked/unchecked in Settings prior to the meeting start.

To edit breakout room setting during a meeting:

1) Click Breakout Rooms in the Zoom toolbar

2) Click the gear icon in the breakout room window.

3) Choose settings before opening the breakout rooms. 

Breakout room settings edited within a meeting carry over from that meeting to the host's next meeting. Breakout room settings should always be verified within the current meeting before opening breakout rooms. 

Remote support Allow meeting host to provide 1:1 remote support to another participant



Manual captions Allow host to type closed captions or assign a participant/3rd-party service to add closed captions



Check: Allow host to type or assign a participant to type

Check: Allow use of caption API Token to integrate with 3rd-party Closed Captioning services

Automated captions

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow users to enable automated captions in these languages in meetings.



Uncheck: Allow only the following users to enable captions for the meeting

To change the appearance of automated captions during a meeting:

1) Click Meeting Information (green shield in upper left corner of Zoom window).

2) Click the gear icon.

3) Click Accessibility and make desired changes. 

Full transcript Allow viewing of full transcript in the in-meeting side panel



Save Captions Allow participants to save fully closed captions or transcripts



Uncheck: Allow only the following users to save captions from the meeting

Language Interpretation Allow host to assign participants as interpreters who can interpret one language into another in real-time. Host can assign interpreters when scheduling or during the meeting.



Uncheck: Enable language interpretation by default

Sign Language interpretation view Allow host to assign participants as sign language interpreters who can interpret one language into sign language in real-time. Host can assign interpreters when scheduling or during the meeting.


disabled toggle switch

Far end camera control Allow another user to take control of your camera during a meeting. Both users (the one requesting control and the one giving control) must have this option turned on.



Auto-accept far end camera control Allow users to add others to their Camera Control Group. When a member of the group requests camera control, they will automatically take control of the user's camera. Group members can be added or removed in Team Chat or Contacts.

Disabled - locked by admin


Meeting-HD Video Quality Activate higher quality video for host and participants. (This will use more bandwidth.)


enabled toggle switch

Check: Standard HD (720P)

Virtual background Customize your background to keep your environment private from others in a meeting. This can be used with or without a green screen.



Uncheck: Allow use of videos as virtual backgrounds

Immersive View Allow hosts to curate case-specific scenes, such as a classroom or boardroom for their meetings or webinars.



Uncheck: Turn off custom background

Note: Immersive View places up to 25 participants onto a single virtual background. 

Focus Mode A mode that shows only hosts and co-hosts' videos and profile pictures during a meeting. Focus Mode can be found in the "More" menu in the in-meeting toolbar.



Identify guest participants in the meeting/webinar Participants who belong to your account can see that a guest (someone who does not belong to your account) is participating in the meeting/webinar. The Participants list indicates which attendees are guests. The guests themselves do not see that they are listed as guests.



Auto-answer group in chat Allow user to add others to an 'Auto Answer Group'. Calls from members of a user's 'Auto Answer Group' will be automatically answered for that user.



Only show default email when sending email invites Allow users to invite participants by email only by using the default email program selected on their computer



Use HTML format email for Outlook plugin Use HTML formatting instead of plain text for meeting invitations scheduled with the Outlook plugin



Allow users to select stereo audio in their client settings Allow users to select stereo audio during a meeting



Show a "Join from your browser" link Allow participants to bypass the Zoom application download process, and join a meeting directly from their browser. This is a workaround for participants who are unable to download, install, or run applications. Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited



Uncheck: Require solving a CAPTCHA for guest users (users who are not signed in)

Show "Always join from browser" option when joining from Allow account members to enable "Always join from browser" when they join meetings from



Allow livestreaming of meetings



Show a custom disclaimer when starting or joining a meeting Create your own disclaimer that will be shown at the start of all meetings hosted by your account

Disabled - locked


Request permission to unmute Select this option in the scheduler to request permission to unmute meeting participants and webinar panelists. Permissions, once given, will apply in all meetings scheduled by the same person.



Enable "Stop incoming video" feature Allows meeting participants to turn off all incoming video feeds on their screen (does not affect other participants’ screens). To access this feature, click the view button at the top-right corner of your screen.



Save Gallery View After re-ordering the gallery, the host may save the arrangement as a custom seating chart to the unique meeting ID.



Sort Gallery View Allow participants to sort their gallery view order during a meeting


disabled toggle switch

Allow users to join external webinars and events through mesh in the local area network If the external accounts have allowed mesh for any participants to join their webinars and events, some devices might be reported as Zoom Mesh parents to distribute audio and video data in the local area network, this will provide better experience and save the bandwidth.


disabled toggle switch

Meeting: Email Notification

Meeting: Email Notification Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

When a cloud recording is available Notify host when cloud recording is available



Check: Send a copy to the person who scheduled the meeting/webinar for the host

Check: Send a copy to the Alternative Hosts

Check: Notify when audio transcription is available

When attendees join meeting before host Notify host when participants join the meeting before them



When a meeting is cancelled Notify host and participants when the meeting is cancelled



When an alternative host is set or removed from a meeting Notify the alternative host who is set or removed



When someone scheduled a meeting for a host Notify the host there is a meeting is scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled



When the cloud recording is going to be permanently deleted from trash Notify the host 7 days before the cloud recording is permanently deleted from trash



Meeting: Other

Meeting: Other Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Call a SIP/H.323 room system directly from the client Direct call to a room system from client. This adds a 'Call Room' button to the client home page.



Invitation Email Your meeting attendees will receive emails in language based upon their browser/profile settings. Choose languages which your expected attendees will receive content in to edit.

Choose email in language to edit English

Schedule Privilege You can assign users in your account to schedule meetings on your behalf. You can also schedule meetings on behalf of someone that has assigned you scheduling privilege. You and the assigned scheduler must be on a Paid plan within the same account.

AI Companion

AI Companion
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Meeting Summary with AI Companion Allow host to generate a summary. Meeting Summary uses AI technology, which may include third-party models. Summary will be automatically sent after the meeting has ended. Zoom does not use any audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments or other communications-like content (such as poll results, whiteboard and reactions) to train Zoom's or third-party AI models.

Disabled - locked by admin


Zoom AI Companion Availability

Anticipated release date: Spring 2024 semester. 

Smart Recording with AI Companion By enabling it, your cloud recording can have recording highlights, summary and smart chapters, and next steps. technology, which may include third-party models. Zoom does not use any audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments or other communications-like content (such as poll results, whiteboard and reactions) to train Zoom's or third-party AI models.

Disabled - locked by admin


Zoom AI Companion Availability

Anticipated release date: Spring 2024 semester. 


Recording Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Local recording Allow hosts and participants to record the meeting to a local file. The content will include video and shared content with user's own view, and audio only file.



Cloud recording

This universal setting must be enabled prior to the meeting start to be available during the meeting.

Allow hosts to record and save the meeting / webinar in the cloud



Check: Record active speaker with shared screen

Uncheck: Record gallery view with shared screen

Uncheck: Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately

Check: Record audio-only files

Check: Record one audio file for all participants

Uncheck: Record a separate audio file of each participant

Check: Record the Interpretation

Check: Record sign language interpreter

Check: Record language interpreter

Check: Save chat messages from the meeting / webinar

Advanced cloud recording settings

Check: Add a timestamp to the recording

Check: Display participants' names in the recording

Check: Record thumbnails when sharing

Check: Optimize the recording for 3rd party video editor

Check: Create audio transcript

Uncheck: Save panelist chat to the recording

Check: Save poll results shared during the meeting/webinar

Check: Save closed caption as a VTT file

Allow cloud recording sharing By disabling this setting, nobody else can access the shareable link. This setting is applicable for newly generated recordings only.



Automatic recording Record meetings automatically as they start



With Cloud Recording enabled, this setting may be changed when scheduling a meeting. 

IP Address Access Control Allow cloud recording access only from specific IP address ranges



Require users to authenticate before viewing cloud recordings Right before sharing cloud recordings, meetings hosts can choose from one of the options configured below to require users to authenticate before viewing recordings.

Locked by Admin


Authentication Options: Signed-in users in my account (Default)
Signed in to Zoom

Set recording as on-demand by default Users must register before they can watch the recording



Require passcode to access shared cloud recordings Passcode protection will be enforced for shared cloud recordings. A random passcode will be generated which can be modified by the users. This setting is applicable for newly generated recordings only.


enabled toggle switch

Check: Embed passcode in the shareable link for one-click access

Viewers can see the transcript When this setting is turned on, users with the sharing link will be able to view transcripts of recordings. This setting is applicable to newly generated recordings only.



Viewers can see the chat When this setting is turned on, users with the sharing link will be able to view chat history of recordings. This setting is applicable to newly generated recordings only.



Delete cloud recordings after a specified number of days

Locked by Admin


150 days

The host can delete cloud recordings

Enabled by Admin


Recording notifications - Zoom clients

Locked by Admin

Recording notifications - Phone users

Locked by Admin


Calendar Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting


Automatically sync Zoom calendar events information bi-directionally between Zoom and integrated calendars

Zoom events created/updated on either Zoom or external calendars will automatically sync across all integrated applications (Zoom web portal, Zoom client and integrated calendars)


disabled toggle switch

Meetings scheduled in Zoom may be added to an external calendar without syncing. Choose the appropriate calendar from My Meetings > Manage "(meeting name)" > Add to.

It is recommended that scheduling meetings and selecting meeting settings be done in Zoom, not an external calendar. 

Audio Conferencing

Audio Conferencing Settings
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Show international numbers like on the invitation email Show the link for Zoom International Dial-in Numbers on email invitations


enabled toggle switch

Toll Call Include the selected numbers in the Zoom client and the email invitation via the international numbers link. Participants can dial into meeting with the numbers

Enabled - Locked

enabled toggle switch

Choose where most of the participants call into or call from the meeting An accurate selection can reduce unnecessary phone call delays to improve call quality Select: United States
3rd Party Audio Users can join the meeting using the existing 3rd party audio configuration


diabled toggle switch

Mask phone number in the participants list Phone numbers of users dialing into a meeting will be masked in the participant list. For example: 888****666


disabled toggle switch

Global Dial-in Countries/Regions Click the Edit icon to choose countries/regions that frequently have participants who need to dial into meetings. The dial-in phone numbers of these locations appear in the email invitation, and can be used by participants dialing in from those locations. Select: United States If more than one country/region is selected, the first in the list will be shown as the default dial-in country.

Zoom Apps

Zoom Apps
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting

Zoom Apps Quick Launch Button Show "Zoom Apps" button in the Zoom interface for quick access to productivity tools before, during, or after meetings.


enabled toggle switch


Zoom Notes
Zoom Setting

Zoom Setting Description

Recommended Setting


Allow participants to share note

This setting can be managed during a meeting regardless of settings chosen prior to the meeting start.

By disabling the setting, nobody else except the host can share notes during the meeting. 


enabled toggle switch

Select: Host Only (Click Save) 

To enable/disable during a meeting, click the carrot next to Notes in the Zoom toolbar.

You can also choose if the host only or all participants can start sharing when someone else is sharing here.

Default Access Level

Who can access: Anyone

Choose the appropriate access level: viewer (cannot edit Zoom notes), or editor. Click Save
Default advanced sharing settings

Unheck: Users can share at or below their permission level

Uncheck: Internal Users can share with external users

Uncheck: External users can invite others

Auto-delete specified Notes Notes will be moved to Trash in specified number of days.


disabled toggle switch


zoom, interpro, ldt, settings 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs