Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Agenda 10-15-20

Compensation & Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) Meeting

Thursday, October 15th at 3:00pm

via Microsoft Teams



1.       Approve last meeting’s minutes

2.       Updates from Co-Chair Meeting with Jenny

a.       TTC update at upcoming ASEC

b.       More governance impact on decisions for Spring semester

3.       Workplace flexibility policy review – per ASEC request (see attached PDF)

a.       Create a one-page document summarizing salient points of various policies

4.       Move forward on deciding which issues CEBC to focus on this year.

a.       Review and input on campus telecommuting policy

b.       Spring planning

c.        Survey of academic staff regarding recent furlough process

d.       Discretionary Compensation Fund review of how schools disseminated funds the past several years.

e.       Review of job security issues

                                                               i.      what compensation structures do we have to retain employees

f.         Equity/Parity salary review – pre TTC vs post TTC


CEBC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff