NIPP Chapter 5: Committees

This document outlines Chapter 5 of the Nelson Institute Policies and Procedures (NIPP) as approved by the Governance Committee on April 19, 2021 and revised on March 20, 2023, and May 15, 2023.


  1. All Nelson Institute committees follow parliamentary procedure as described in the latest version of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. In case of a conflict between Robert’s Rules and any rules adopted by those committees, the committee’s rules take precedence.
  2. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of the voting membership. A quorum is required for votes on all motions (except those described in NIPP 5.04.D.v.).
  3. Abstentions have no effect on calculations of votes and are considered blanks.
  4. Voting may be conducted by voice, show of hands, paper ballots, signed paper ballots, or roll call. If the vote is by voice and the outcome is unclear, the chair can call for a show of hands. Any member of the committee may request that a vote be taken by signed paper ballots or roll call. Voice, show-of-hands, and paper ballot votes are recorded only by the number of votes cast each way. Signed paper ballots and roll call votes are recorded by name. Voting records are preserved to the extent required by law and are open to public inspection to the extent required by the Public Records Law.
  5. In order to cast a vote, members must be present at the discussion, either in person or offsite by videoconference or teleconference. If a paper ballot is called for, members participating offsite may cast a voice vote or use a voting feature of the offsite-meeting software.


  1. The Academic Planning Council (APC) is a division-level committee that reviews programs and budgetary planning, and ensures faculty and staff input into a broad range of planning and decision-making affecting the Institute. The Dean has an obligation to engage in meaningful consultation on a broad range of policy decisions with the APC.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Reviewing proposals to restructure or discontinue an academic program within the Institute.
    2. Reviewing program assessments developed by program committees.
    3. Reviewing and making recommendations to the Dean concerning the Institute’s budget.
    4. Consulting with the campus Budget Committee on campus-level budgetary matters.
    5. Advising the Dean in developing strategic and long-range plans for the Institute.
    6. Advising the Dean on program decisions likely to affect promotions to tenure or nonrenewal of probationary faculty appointments.
    7. Providing consultation to the Dean before they create any committee concerned with the academic and educational activities of the Institute.
    8. Nominating a faculty member, or seconding the nomination of a school or college, to fill vacancies on the University Academic Planning Council or the Campus Planning Committee.
    9. Considering any other factors relevant to the capacity of the Institute to fulfill its mission.
  3. Membership
    1. The APC includes nine people:
      1. The Dean chairs the committee and is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
      2. Six faculty members are drawn from the Governance Committee membership. These members are elected by the Governance Committee by secret ballot from a slate of candidates prepared by the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs. Self-nominations are welcomed. They serve staggered, three-year terms.
      3. One faculty member is drawn from the Governance Committee membership and is appointed by the Dean for a one-year term.
      4. One Nelson Institute staff member, whose primary responsibility is research, teaching, service, or outreach, is elected by secret ballot by the Institute’s staff from a slate of candidates prepared by the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs. Self-nominations are welcomed. They serve a three-year term.
    2. At least three of the four major divisions (Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences) should be represented among the seven faculty members. The Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs will take this into consideration when preparing the election slate as will the Dean when selecting the annual appointee.
    3. At the discretion of the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, the slates for elected faculty and staff members may be uncontested. All ballots will include the option for a write-in candidate.
    4. Elections occur in spring.
  4. Procedures
    1. APC meetings are subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Meetings are open to members of the Institute, campus, and public. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The APC meets at least three times each semester.
    3. Members will conduct a self-study at least every five years to review the APC’s structure and functions, and to assess its effectiveness as a faculty voice and its compliance with FP&P 3.08.


  1. The Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson (WIN) Committee is a division-level committee that advises the Institute on issues around inclusion, diversity, and equity, and assists with reporting to the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement. It coordinates with committees across the Institute and the campus on issues of mutual interest.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Advising the Institute on the status of underrepresented faculty, staff, and students in the Institute.
    2. Advising the Institute on conditions in the workplace.
    3. Reviewing faculty, staff, and student recruitment and retention practices and policies, and proposing amendments as needed.
    4. Serving as a resource on inclusion, diversity, and equity issues.
    5. Receiving inclusion, diversity, and equity-related concerns from within the Nelson Institute, and handling or referring them as appropriate.
    6. Collaborating across the Institute to create a welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable community.
    7. Collaborating across the Institute to create inclusive, diverse, equitable, community-building events such as social events, academic/research symposia, and professional development activities.
    8. Creating or participating in events for outreach to and recruiting from multicultural communities.
    9. Working across the Institute to compile an annual report for the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement and report out to the Governance Committee annually.
  3. Membership
    1. The WIN Committee includes at least six people:
      1. Two faculty who may be members of the Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty
      2. One academic staff member
      3. One university staff member
      4. One graduate student
      5. One undergraduate student
    2. Committee members are appointed by the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs and serve one-year, renewable terms. Self-nominations are welcome.
    3. The committee chair (or co-chairs) is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of the WIN committee members and serves subject to approval by the Nelson Institute Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair is not compensated for this service.
  4. Procedures
    1. As an administrative committee, WIN is not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committee meets at least once each semester.


  1. The Executive Committee makes recommendations to the Dean concerning the Institute’s Faculty, Research Professors, Teaching Professors, and the instructional budget.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Reviewing and making recommendations to the Dean concerning faculty appointments, recruitment, leaves, nonretentions, dismissals, promotions, and salaries.
    2. Reviewing and making recommendations to the Dean concerning the instructional budget.
    3. Coordinating nominations for faculty awards.
    4. Periodically reviewing the performance of Research Professors, Teaching Professors, and faculty members who hold a tenure, tenure-track, or funded appointment in the Nelson Institute.
    5. Providing for the annual written evaluation of every probationary faculty member beginning with the second year of the initial appointment.
    6. Informing affected probationary faculty members of any changes in Nelson Institute goals or other circumstances which alter the opportunity for promotion to tenure.
    7. Providing in writing to Associate Professors the Nelson Institute’s expectations for promotion to full Professor, and periodically considering each Associate Professor’s progress toward promotion to full Professor status.
  3. Membership
    1. The Dean chairs the committee and is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
    2. The Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs is an ex-officio member.
    3. The following people are automatic members of the Executive Committee:
      1. Nelson Institute Faculty (NIPP 4.04.A.), if tenured
      2. Nelson Institute Undergraduate Program Chair, if tenured
      3. Nelson Institute Graduate Program Chairs, if tenured
      4. Nelson Institute Research Center Directors, if tenured
      5. Director Sustainability Education and Research, if tenured
    4. All members are voting members and participate actively in Institute and Executive Committee business and activities, particularly the hiring and promotion of faculty.
  4. Procedures
    1. Executive Committee meetings are subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. However, because of the nature of the topics discussed, meetings generally occur in closed session and are attended only by committee members. Guests may attend, by vote of the committee, to help the committee conduct its business.
    2. The committee meets as needed during the academic year (September, October, November, February, March, and April). Additional meetings may be called at any time by the Dean or the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, or at the request of at least 25% of the members of the Executive Committee.
    3. The agenda for Executive Committee meetings is drafted by the Dean and the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs.
    4. The Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs chairs all meetings for actions on faculty appointments, promotions, and evaluations.
    5. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the voting membership is required for adoption of motions dealing with faculty hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions.
    6. In votes dealing with promotion to full Professor, the faculty member under review does not participate in the balloting.


  1. The Governance Committee has jurisdiction over all the interests of the division, except those vested in the Executive Committee (NIPP 5.04.B.).
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Governing all research, teaching, service, and outreach activities in the Nelson Institute (FP&P 3.03. and FP&P 5.11.).
    2. Reviewing the Institute budget after its final approval.
  3. Membership
    1. The Dean chairs the committee and is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
    2. The Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs is an ex-officio member.
    3. The following people are automatic members of the Governance Committee:
      1. Nelson Institute Faculty (NIPP 4.04.A.)
      2. Nelson Institute Undergraduate Program Chair
      3. Nelson Institute Graduate Program Chairs
      4. Nelson Institute Certificate Program Chairs
      5. Nelson Institute Research Center Directors
      6. Nelson Institute Research and Teaching Professors
      7. Director of Sustainability Education and Research
    4. Nelson Institute staff may request membership on the Governance Committee, and by simple majority vote of the Executive Committee may be granted one-year, renewable terms.
    5. Faculty and staff affiliates from other divisions may request membership on the Governance Committee, and by simple majority vote of the Executive Committee may be granted one-year, renewable terms.
    6. Other faculty or staff who do not meet any of the above conditions may request membership on the Nelson Institute Governance Committee, and by simple majority vote of the Executive Committee may be granted one-year, renewable terms.
    7. In spring, the Dean will send out an announcement to Nelson Institute affiliate faculty and staff to invite membership requests for the following academic year. Other individuals may request membership by sending a letter of interest and CV or resume to the Dean by April 1 of each year.
    8. All automatic and elected members are voting members and participate actively in Institute and Governance Committee business and activities, including attendance at Governance Committee meetings and service on ad hoc or standing committees. It is expected that all faculty on the committee advise Nelson Institute graduate and/or undergraduate students.
    9. It is the goal of the Nelson Institute that each of the four major divisions (Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences) be represented among the members of the Governance Committee.
  4. Procedures
    1. Governance Committee meetings are subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Meetings are open to members of the Institute, campus, and public. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committee meets monthly during the academic year (September, October, November, February, March, and April). Additional meetings may be called at any time by the Dean or the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, or at the request of at least 25% of the members of the Governance Committee.
    3. The agenda for Governance Committee meetings is drafted by the Dean and the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs.


  1. The Instructional Committee carries out the general oversight of the Nelson Institute’s academic programs.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Coordinating the Nelson Institute undergraduate and graduate programs.
    2. Reviewing admissions criteria, size of the programs, recruitment and placement activities, fellowships, and other types of support.
    3. Reviewing curricular and course changes recommended by an academic program committee.
    4. Oversight of summer term offerings.
    5. Assisting the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs with preparation and dispersal of the annual instructional budget proposal.
    6. Making final decisions regarding course change proposals and new course offerings.
    7. Other matters that affect the academic programs.
  3. Membership
    1. The Dean chairs the committee and is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
    2. The Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs serves as co-chair.
    3. The following people are automatic members of the Instructional Committee:
      1. Nelson Institute Undergraduate Program Chair
      2. Nelson Institute Graduate Program Chairs
      3. Nelson Institute Professional Programs Director
      4. Nelson Institute Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator
      5. Nelson Institute Graduate Student Services Coordinator
    4. The Dean may grant one-year, renewable terms to members of the Nelson Institute faculty, affiliate faculty, staff, and students. However, at least two-thirds of the members of the committee must be the automatic members in NIPP 5.06.C.3.
  4. Procedures
    1. As an administrative committee, the Instructional Committee is not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committee meets at least once each semester.


  1. Each Nelson Institute graduate program has a governing committee that administers the program.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Administering and overseeing the program curriculum.
    2. Administering the degree’s established admissions procedures.
    3. Recommending changes to degree curriculum, courses, and admissions procedures and criteria to the Instructional Committee.
    4. Reviewing student requests for variances from the published curriculum.
    5. Preparing budget requests, including requests for course offerings necessary to support the program.
    6. Providing guidance to the program coordinator.
    7. Conducting program assessment and reviews regularly and in accordance with campus processes.
    8. Reviewing program communication materials.
    9. Selecting student nominees for campus awards and fellowships.
    10. Coordinating student admission funding packages.
  3. Membership
    1. Program committees include six or more members, a majority of whom are Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty members.
    2. The committee chair is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of committee members and serves subject to approval by the Nelson Institute Dean and Graduate School Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair may be compensated for this service.
    3. By 15 September the chair will recommend to the Nelson Institute Dean and Graduate School Dean the committee membership for the academic year.
  4. Procedures
    1. As administrative committees, program committees are not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chairs for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committees meet at least once each semester.


  1. Each Nelson Institute graduate certificate has a governing committee that administers the certificate.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Administering and overseeing the program curriculum.
    2. Administering the certificate’s established admissions procedures.
    3. Recommending changes to certificate curriculum, courses, and admissions procedures and criteria to the Instructional Committee.
    4. Reviewing student requests for variances from the published curriculum.
    5. Providing guidance to the certificate coordinator.
    6. Conducting program assessment and reviews regularly and in accordance with campus processes.
    7. Selecting student nominees for campus awards and fellowships.
    8. Reviewing program communication materials.
  3. Membership
    1. Certificate committees include six or more members, a majority of whom are Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty members.
    2. The committee chair is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of the committee members and serves subject to approval by the Nelson Institute Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair is not compensated for this service.
    3. By 15 September the chair will recommend to the Nelson Institute Dean the committee membership for the academic year. If the certificate or PhD minor is offered as a requirement of a current, externally funded grant, the principal investigator(s) of that grant may name up to three members of the committee.
  4. Procedures
    1. As administrative committees, certificate committees are not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chairs for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committees meet at least once each semester.


  1. The Undergraduate Committee administers the undergraduate program, including all undergraduate certificates.
  2. Responsibilities
    1. Administering and overseeing the program curriculum.
    2. Administering the major and certificates’ established admissions procedures.
    3. Recommending changes to degree curriculum, courses, and admissions procedures and criteria to the Nelson Institute Instructional Committee.
    4. Reviewing student requests for variances from the published curriculum.
    5. Preparing budget requests, including requests for course offerings necessary to support the program.
    6. Providing guidance to the program and certificate coordinators.
    7. Conducting program assessment and reviews regularly and in accordance with campus processes.
    8. Selecting student nominees for campus awards and fellowships.
    9. Reviewing program communication materials.
  3. Membership
    1. The Undergraduate Committee includes six or more members, a majority of whom are Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty members. The Nelson Institute Undergraduate Certificate Program Chairs are automatic members.
    2. It is the goal of the Nelson Institute that each of the four major divisions (Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences) be represented among the members of the Undergraduate Committee.
    3. The committee chair is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of committee members and serves subject to approval by the Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair may be compensated for this service.
    4. By 15 September the chair will recommend to the Dean the committee membership for the academic year.
  4. Procedures
    1. As an administrative committee, the Undergraduate Committee is not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.
    2. The committee meets at least once each semester. 


The Dean, Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, or Associate Dean for Administration may create ad hoc committees as needs arise, for specific lengths of time, normally not to exceed one year. Committee membership and charge will be determined at the time the committee is created.

NIPP, policies, procedures, structure, organization, parliamentary, APC, win, governance, executive, instructional, program, certificate, open meeting 
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