Engage - Order Tool Overview [UW-Madison]

This document provides an overview of the Order Tool. For accessibility concerns, please review this document.


What is the Order Tool?

The Order Tool enables instructors and/or course coordinators (curricular representatives) to place orders for digital course materials for an upcoming academic term. It also allows students to opt-out of digital materials during designated Student Choice periods.

For more information on roles (called profiles) in the Order Tool, including permissions, please review this document.

Note: The Order Tool will only be accessible for those that have been granted access.

  • Students are added automatically after they enroll in a course that is using Engage digital materials.
  • Instructors are added automatically after they become Instructor on Record for their course. This can take between 24-48 hours to go through after that occurs.
  • Course coordinators should contact the DoIT Help Desk if they would like to be added to the Order Tool.

The Order Tool is used with the Engage platform.

  • The Order Tool is used for placing orders for digital course materials and content (instructors and course coordinators) or opting out of digital materials (students)
  • The Engage Tool is used to deliver and read eTexts
  • Publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs) are used to deliver eTexts and lab or homework software

The Order Tool is available to instructors and curricular representatives (“Course Coordinators”) to place orders only during specific and defined ordering periods. It is also available to students who wish to opt-out of their course materials during designated opt-out periods. 

In the majority of cases, digital course materials are electronic textbooks delivered via the Engage eText reader. However, publisher courseware may be ordered via the Order Tool. Open Educational Resources (such as OpenStax textbooks) may also be ordered in the Order Tool.

Engage and the Order Tool are part of the Learn@UW suite of teaching and learning technologies at UW-Madison. If you have questions about the Engage Order tool, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

Getting Started

Keywordsunizin, ot, ordering, periods, process, etexts, digital, learning, tools, dlt, courses, textbooks, online, classes, courses, instructors, coordinators, instructions, how-to, using, selecting, choosing   Doc ID106789
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2020-10-22 15:05:59Updated2024-01-30 13:22:08
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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