Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-08-20
Approved 10-22-20
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Present: Donna Cole; Jenny
Dahlberg, chair; Tim Dalby; Stephanie Elkins; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard
Cameron; Bill Tishler
Guests: Lesley Fisher, Denny
Hackel, Kevin Niemi, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
The minutes of October 1 were approved.
General Reports
Jenny Dahlberg, ASEC chair, reported that the
Office of Human Resources invited governance chairs and secretaries to a
workshop for HR reps on processes and best practices around layoffs. Jenny
discussed the possibility of working with CEBC to come up with plain language
handouts on layoffs and nonrenewals. Jenny met with
the governance chairs and discussed issues around spring semester planning.
Jake and Jenny will be participating in the fall meeting of the Big 10
Collaboration on Staff Advocacy group on Friday.
Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff,
reported that the University Committee would be looking further at the dual
role waiver process for academic staff. Jake reported on the Mentoring
Committee’s Fall Kickoff for the Mentor Match Program, which was an outstanding
and well attended event. Jake will be convening the ASI planning group soon to
start making plans for next year’s Academic Staff Institute.
Liaison Reports
Bill Tishler
reported on the University Committee meeting, at which the question of faculty
members working remotely was discussed. Chancellor Blank gave positive news on
graduation rates going up and infection rates going down, as well as
preparations for the delayed football season. Turning to the DCS CASI, Bill
reported that the CASI recommended more engagement with staff from the dean.
There will be an all-staff meeting next week, and the CASI will be holding
additional lunch gatherings to discuss issues, including telecommuting and
Jenny Dahlberg talked with CEBC about ways to
engage on furloughs, layoffs, and family care issues.
Kevin Niemi, University Research Council Representative
Kevin provided an overview of the University
Research Council, which is a committee that is charged in Faculty Policies and
Procedures. The committee has grown more assertive in the past few years, and
several members of the committee have encouraged the Vice Chancellor for
Research and Graduate Education to make greater and more frequent use of the
committee’s expertise. Vice Chancellor Ackerman has stated that he wants to do
more on the various reviews of the centers that report up through the OVCRGE.
Kevin was a part of the BioTech Center review during
his time on the committee, which he thought led to positive discussions about
the direction of the center using interviews with faculty, staff, and graduate
students. There will be a need for a mid-term replacement on the committee once
Kevin retires, and this person should understand research and be able to
advocate on behalf of academic staff.
November Assembly Agenda
reviewed an initial draft of the November ASA agenda.
Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer
Mark Walters reported that UW System is
looking at a proposal to bring all employees onto a biweekly pay schedule
again. The timeline of January 1 may be in flux, and UW Madison will need more
time for implementation and change management. The proposal would be for
biweekly pay as opposed to semimonthly (i.e. 1st and the 15th
of each month). There will be a group convening next Tuesday to talk about how
this would work with grants and what it would mean for those who are currently
paid monthly to go to a biweekly structure.
Regarding the budget, October is the key month
to determining next steps on addressing budgetary gaps. Enrollment numbers are
solid, but there will still be budget actions that will need to be taken.
Furloughs that were implemented in May are scheduled to expire in October. Many
strategies are being looked at. The strong possibility of future furloughs was
expressed at the October 5 Faculty Senate meeting, and there is a question of
what the timeframe would be if these were to move forward. A progressive
structure would likely continue if there were more furloughs. Deans and
Directors are working through various budget scenarios, and the impacts to some
areas of campus are clearer than others.
On the topic of revisions to the telecommuting
policy, OHR wants to engage shared governance in these discussions but
encountered a delay due to the recent campus pause. OHR is getting this back on
schedule and intends to bring it to ASEC in the future.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant
to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to the
Communications Committee, Mentoring Committee, University Curriculum Committee,
and Nomination to the Academic Staff Appeals Committee (Dalby). Seconded.
Motion to Reconvene in Open Session (Stoddard Cameron).
Seconded. Approved.
Appointments and Nominations – for vote
Motion to appoint Kelly O’Loughlin and Kevin
Kiley to the Communications Committee, Carmen Juniper Neimeko
to the Mentoring Committee, and Carol Mitchell to the University Curriculum
Committee (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to nominate Kimbrin Cornelius to the
Academic Staff Appeals Committee (Tishler). Seconded.
Topics for Guests
discussion about collaboration continuing to move forward toward a Center for
Teaching and Learning excellence, progress on research and teaching professor
titles, spring semester planning and what input we are getting about what
students want
Revenue Innovation Study Group Report, budget impacts
VPTL: concern about students getting more work
in remote courses than in-person courses, as well as required contact hours in
asynchronous courses; communication and strategy in participatory
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff