Archived Academic Structure Documents Drawer Set-up

Overview on imaged documents pertaining to academic governance at the University level.


Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) is in the process of digitizing historical proposals in the academic structure (plans, subplans, departments, subjects, etc.), program review, University Academic Planning Council and University Curriculum Committee materials.
End users may access the documents via the Perceptive Content online portal (, which requires VPN, net-id login, and authentication.


Access is currently limited to academic planners in each school/college/division, and other identified individuals in offices that need access to these files (Madison Budget Office, 131 program planning/DCS, Office of the Registrar). If you need access to the files, please contact your school/college coordinator for permission and they will contact DAPIR for access, if appropriate.
There are four drawers of imaged documents:


Academic Structure

This drawer houses action documents from shared governance related to the following academic structure pieces:
  • school/college
  • department/department-like/divisions
  • plan
  • subplan
  • subject

The bulk of this content (documents from fall 2018 and older) is housed in Bascom and must be processed prior to scanning into the drawer. Everything in Lumen Programs or Lumen Structures (fall 2018 - present) will also be scanned into this drawer. If you need documentation that is not currently scanned and/or available in Lumen, please email

Drawer Set-up

Field identification for the academic structure perceptive content drawer.
Drawer: A_APIR_ACADSTRC Field Type Format Helpful Notes
Field 1 School/College Drop-down Three character SIS Org value
Field 2 Department/Division Open Text (string) SIS department code This is NOT the UDDS for the department.
Field 3 Code Open Text (string) SIS plan code This value may vary depending on the document type. The most frequent code listed here will be a plan code. The department code or school/college code may also be used.
Custom Property: Named Option Code A_APIR_ACADSTRC_NamedOptionCode Open Text (string) The SIS subplan code This field is only populated when the item is a subplan (named option, track, etc.). In L&S the code will always be the BA version, similar to how Lumen utilizes codes.
Custom Property: Title A_APIR_ACADSTRC_Title Open Text (string) [plan]: [subplan] transcript title This should follow the same guidelines as Guide pages: [full plan transcript title] [colon] [sub-plan transcript title]
Custom Property: Type A_APIR_ACADSTRC_Type Drop-down Specifies what kind of item in the academic structure the code is
Field 4 Academic Year Open Text (string) YYYY-YYYY This is the academic year in which the document was created, not the effective date.
Field 5 Unique ID Open Text (string) auto-populated unique identifier
Document Type Drop-down
Custom Property: UAPC Agenda Item A_APIR_ACADSTRC_UAPCAgenda Open Text (string) If this was reviewed at UAPC, the UAPC code will be entered here. This is useful to cross-reference with the UAPC drawer as sometimes a program my have clarifying changes to it post-UAPC, but before implementation.
Custom Property: See Also – Codes A_APIR_ACADSTRC_SeeAlsoCodes Open Text (string) If the SIS code changed, this is a reference to the old code. Utilize the SIS value. May also be utilized when refering to a named option on the parent (plan code) proposal.
Custom Property: See Also – Other A_APIR_ACADSTRC_SeeAlsoOther Open Text (string) If the transcript title changed, this is a reference to the OLD name. Enter the old name.

Drop-down Values

Drop-down values for the academic structure perceptive content drawer.
School/College Drop-down Document Type Drop-down Values A_APIR_ACADSTRC_Type Drop-down Values
Full Name Shortened version for Perceptive Content Full Name Shortened version for Perceptive Content Full Name Shortened version for Perceptive Content
Col of Agricultural & Life Sci ALS Program Review PrgRev Major Major
School of Business BUS Change Change Certificate Cert
School of Education EDU New New Subplan Subplan
College of Engineering EGR Notice of Intent NOI Degree Degree
School of Human Ecology HEC Suspend Suspend Subject Subject
Institute for Environmental St IES Discontinue Disc Minor Minor
College of Letters and Science L&S Accreditation Accred DepartmentDivision DeptDiv
Law School LAW Tuition Tuition SchoolCollege SchlCol
School of Med & Public Health MED Mode of Delivery DelvrMd
School of Nursing NUR Low Producing LowProd
School of Pharmacy PHM General Other Other
Research & Graduate Education RGE
School of Veterinary Medicine VET
Division of Continuing Studies DCS
Extension EXT
Univ of Wisconsin - Madison MSN
Officer Education AMN
School of Allied Health Prof AH
Division of the Arts ART
Athletics ATH
Continuing and Vocational Educ CAVE
Center for Biology Education CBE
Committee on Inst Cooperation CIC
Dept. of University Outreach DUO
International Division INL

University Academic Planning Council (UAPC)

The University Academic Planning Council records includes documents from the early 1970's through the previous academic year. Each year will be added after the completion of the June UAPC over the summer.

Drawer Set-up

Field identification for the University Academic Planning Council perceptive content drawer.
Drawer: A_APIR_UAPC Field Type Format Helpful Notes
Field 1 UAPC Code Open Text (string) YYYY.MM.DD.[Agenda number] - Agendas and minutes are always "YYYY.MM.DD.00"
- There may be agenda item ranges (ex: 2008.03.27.04-06)
- UAPC agenda items numbers are not consistent over time (some are letters, some are their own agenda item number, etc.)
Field 2 Academic Year  Open Text (string) YYYY-YYYY
Field 3 Academic Structure Level Drop-down This field will always be populated either with the academic structure relationship, or when the item falls into a larger bucket (general education, policy, discussion, etc.).
Field 4 Property Type Drop-down This field is usually blank unless there is a specific action related to academic structure or centers/institutes
Field 5 Unique ID Open Text (string) Auto-assigned
Document Type Drop-down "Discussion items" on the agendas may be flagged as something different in the document type field based on what happened with the item.
Custom Property A_APIR_UAPC_Code Open Text (string) SIS codes (plan, subplan, subject, department code, etc.) Follows standard SIS naming conventions (ex: MS[space][space]204[school/college]. For named options, the code is "[plan]: [subplan]".
Custom Property A_APIR_ItemDesc Open Text (string) SIS transcript description + credential (or Guide page title) - If used in conjunction with the previous row's code, this field reflects the name of a program at the time of approval.
- This is also utilized for descriptions of agenda items. A general mixed bag approach.

Drop-down Values

Drop-down values for the University Academic Planning Council perceptive content drawer.
Academic Structure Drop-down Values Property Type Drop-down Values Document Type Drop-down Values
Plan/Subplan New Full item name Shortened Version
Subject Change Agenda Item AgendaItm
Department/Division Discontinue Agenda Agenda
Center/Institute Null Minutes Minutes
Guidelines/Policy Miscellaneous  Misc
Discussion items Annual Report AnuReport
Program Review
General Education
Other Reports

University Curriculum Committee (UCC)

The UCC drawer includes all agendas, minutes, policies, reports, projects, and other miscellaneous/discussion items related to content reviewed and governed by the UCC.

Drawer Set-up

Field identification for the University Curriculum Committee perceptive content drawer.
Drawer: A_APIR_UCC Field Type Format Helpful Notes
Field 1 UCC Code Open Text (string) YYYY.MM.DD a string of entered text, which are all formatted the same. Example: 2020.05.08
Field 2 Academic Year Open Text (string) YYYY-YYYY
Field 3 Project Drop-down Any bulk project will have a drop down. This field should be used in conjunction with the Subject Number field
Field 4 Subject number Open Text (string) ### This field is used in conjunction with the project field, specifying the specific subject where a bulk change was made. Example: 448 (HISTORY)
Field 5 Unique ID Open Text (string) auto-populated
Document Type Drop-down

Drop-down Values

Drop-down values for the University Curriculum Committee perceptive content drawer.
Project Drop-down Values Document Type Drop-down Values
Full Name Shortened version for Perceptive Content Full Name Shortened version for Perceptive Content
Requisite Amnesty ReqAmn Agenda Agenda
Sustainability Attribute SustiAttr Minutes Minutes
Grad Attribute GradAttr Information/Discussion Info/Disc
Obsolete Course Obsolete Course Guidelines/Policy GL/Policy
Null Null Miscellaneous  Misc
Annual Report AnuReport
Project Project
Placement or Departmental Exams Exams

Course Proposals

The course proposal drawer includes paper course proposals [1964-2010], and digital proposals [Online Course Proposal (OCP) 2011-2018, Lumen Courses 2017-current]. All paper files were in the possession of the Secretary of the Faculty and were transferred to Data, Academic Planning and Institutional Research (DAPIR) when DAPIR took responsibility for coordinating the course proposal process in 2013. DAPIR scanned these proposals and sent them to University Archives at the completion of the scanning project.

Drawer Set-up

The majority of the fields are "scraped" when scanning, meaning there is minimal entry by a human. Most data populates when scanning the course directly from the Student Information System.

Field identification for the Course Proposal perceptive content drawer.
Drawer: A_APIR_CourseProposals Field Type Format Helpful Notes
Field 1 Course ID Dictionary ### Includes leading zeros
Field 2 Subject Code Dictionary ### Defaults to the lowest numbered subject on the course (if cross-listed)
Field 3 Catalog Number Dictionary ###
Field 4 Issue or QA Predefined List This field can be blank/ set up can be removed for workflow based on field type
Field 5 Unique ID Unique Id Auto-assigned
Document Type Proposal Type Drop-down Dropdown values: New, Change, Discontinue, Technical Correction, 1x-Exception
Z_Creation date Current Date and Time Auto-assigned
Custom property A_APIR_College-School Dictionary Academic Group Matches the group associated with the lowest numbered subject code. Uses the 3 letter alpha associated with a school/college/division
Custom property A_APIR_Course-Title Dictionary Course Title
Custom property A_APIR_Cross-list Literal True or False If cross-listed, will say "true"
Custom property A_APIR_Cross-list_Sub Dictionary Crosslist Subjects Pulls subject short descr associated with the course
Custom property A_APIR_ISIS_Eff_Date Dictionary Effective Date The term in which the course/change takes effect
Custom property A_APIR_Previous_Subj_Code User Entry ### Uses the numerical subject code - 3 numbers
Custom property A_APIR_Subj_Long_Descr Dictionary Subject - Long Subject long description (30 characters mas)
Custom property A_APIR_Subj_Short_Descr Dictionary Subject - Short Subject short description (8 characters max)

UAPC, UCC, University Academic Planning Council, University Curriculum Committee, archive, image now, perceptive content, imaged documents 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Melissa S. in Academic Planning
Academic Planning