ECMS - Opening PDF (PDF/a) causes Perceptive Content client to crash

This document addresses an error that can occur in Perceptive Content when opening a PDF document.

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Opening PDF (PDF/a) causes Perceptive Content client to crash.

There are two potential fixes for this issue at this time. The Imaging Service Team recommends that you discuss these with your workstation support team prior to implementing them. We recommend that the registry changes be used as a matter of last resort.
  • Edit the preferences in the Adobe application to select the "Enable Protected Mode at startup (Preview)" by performing the following steps:
    • In the Adobe application, click Edit > Preferences
    • In the Categories pane, click "Security (Enhanced)"
    • In the Sandbox Protections section, select the "Enable Protected Mode at startup (Preview)" check box, and then click "Yes" to continue.
    • Restart the adove application for the change to take effect.
  • There are a number of registry edits that have addressed the issue as well. For a list of the edits and instruction please have your workstation support open a helpdesk ticket requesting the instructions from the Imaging Service team. Reference:
It is important to recognize that these changes may need to be re-applied after Adobe updates its products.

Imaging Imaging System ImageNow perceptive content ecm ecms imaging imagenow adobe error pdf 
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Douglas S. in ECMS