General Student Services Fund Groups Fundraising

Last updated 12/11/2020
GSSF groups are able to put on fundraising events using the following procedures:
  • All hours developing and implementing such an event cannot be paid using budgeted salaries from the GSSF. Organizers should volunteer time outside of their budgeted, paid hours-per-week to plan fundraising events.
    • If such allocated hours are used, proceeds from the event must reimburse these hours.
  • Groups may use their UW affiliated name to access campus and community resources.
    • For instance, a student organization can reserve the Union Theatre for a performance.
  • The fundraising must be done in a separate account outside the General Student Services Fund

All fundraising requests must first be discussed with the ASM financial staff.

general student services fund, gssf, fundraising 
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Owned by:
Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison