General Student Services Fund Reconciliations

The ASM staff will provide a reconciled budget to each group around the 15th of every month. If for some reason a group has not received a reconciliation in over a month, they are encouraged to request it via email.

The purpose of a monthly reconciliation is to notify groups of the official status of their budget. All groups are expected to track their own budgets internally and independently of the ASM office so that they can compare these records against the official reconciliation. Any discrepancies should be addressed immediately at the group's next meeting with ASM staff.

Reconciliations allow groups to catch errors that may have gone unnoticed and to avoid spending more money than is actually available.

The Student Services Finance Committee reviews the past reconciled budgets each year to determine if the eligibility criteria of fiscal responsibility has been met.

Keywordsreconciliations, GSSF, general student services fund, expenses, tracking   Doc ID107917
OwnerKelly K.GroupAssociated Students of Madison
Created2020-12-16 11:34:54Updated2024-07-19 11:22:54
SitesAssociated Students of Madison
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