Accounting-Moving Expenses

New faculty are often provided with start-up funds by the College of Letters and Science and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE). These funds can be used for moving expenses, as well as the purchase of a UW computer. Your appointment (offer) letter will detail if your funds have been approved for moving expenses. If moving expenses are not listed as an approved expense, you must first request approval of your funds for this use. Additionally, these funds have an end (expiration) date, usually one year. If you are unable to utilize your funds before the end date listed in your appointment letter, you can request an extension of that date.

Prior to utilizing funds for relocation expenses, the School of Music must receive approval by the L&S Dean’s Office to distribute the funds..  This approval serves as a notification that you will be utilizing your start up funds for relocation. As part of this process, a Relocation Authorization Letter needs to be submitted to the Director of the School of Music for signature, and then sent on to the L&S Dean’s Office for their review, and approval.  You can contact Gary Barnes in the business office at:,  to begin this process.

Effective January 1, 2023, the UW Madison will only allow one method of payment for faculty moving expenses.  The new method is in the form of a lump sum "Stipend", or "Employee Relocation Award", for the full amount of the $5,500 allocation of flexible funds.  Please note that this payment method is considered "taxable" income, and is therefore reportable at the end of the calendar year. The taxable portion is usually set at 30%.   

Finally, even though you may choose any moving company you wish, the UW Madison does have several vendors with substantially reduced rates, which include: Piepho Moving & Storage,  elizabeth.piepho@piepho.comArmstrong/ Mayflower,  UW@GoArmstrong.comUnited Van Lines,

 A full explanation of relocation policies is located at the following UW Business Services website:

Please refer to the Relocation Expense Chart below for items that can be reimbursed as part of your moving expenses.

Relocation Expenses Chart

Reimbursable Moving Expenses

Non-Reimbursable Moving Expenses 

(The stipend may be used to offset these expenses.)

Household Goods and personal Effects such as:


       Cabinet/Closet contents


       Musical instruments

       Household appliances


Direct Costs Associated with the Relocation of Household Goods (additional fees charged by the moving company on the bill of lading):

       Line Haul

       Fuel/Insurance Surcharge

       Seasonal Rate Adjustment

       Long Carry



       Piano/Organ Moving

       Extra Labor

       Appliance Service

       One-way mileage cost at the present standard rate of moving one vehicle to the new residence using the most direct route*

       Purchase of containers/packing materials

       Ferry charges/Tolls


*Mileage claim may not exceed mileage shown on the bill of lading

       Property for resale

       Property not owned by the family

       Farm equipment



       Boats over 14 feet

       Mileage or hauling/towing of additional vehicles (motorcycles, trucks, recreational vehicles and automobiles)

       Building materials

       Items used in a personal business

       Items that may be found in a household, but which the carrier cannot or will not allow to be placed in the moving van (i.e. pets, flammable items, caustic aerosols, spoilable items, plants, jewelry, frozen foods, etc.)

       Swing sets, jungle gyms and other similar outdoor items

       Exclusive Use/Space Reservation/Expedited Service Charges

       Valuation/Additional insurance

       Extra pickup of household goods


       Warehouse handling

       Weight additives for transporting any bulky articles

       Travel costs en route (meals, lodging, tolls, etc.)

       Overtime loading/unloading as required by the customer

       Weight and bulky article charges

       Third party services

       Storage for the convenience of the employee

       Other costs associated with the move

Keywordsmoving relocation start up funds reimbursement   Doc ID108699
OwnerMike B.GroupMead Witter School of Music
Created2021-01-29 13:46:07Updated2023-12-19 12:56:56
SitesMead Witter School of Music
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