Slow Performance when accessing Network Drives with Mac

Some Macs browse the network drives very slowly. Users report delays when navigating the file share- usually evidenced by delays populating the contents of directories.
  1. Click on the Maginifying glass in the upper right hand corner of your Mac screen and type “Terminal” in the floating window and click on the result of the search. (
  2. Copy the text after a. on the following line: 
    1. defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
  3. Paste the text that you copied into the Terminal window and press Enter. (The cursor should just drop down to the next line.)

Terminal window example

  1. Restart your computer.

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KeywordsMac SMB network drive s drive   Doc ID109133
OwnerDarryl B.GroupLaw School
Created2021-02-18 11:11:26Updated2022-05-26 11:54:07
SitesLaw School
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