UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Manage recordings

Learn how to manage your local and cloud recordings.

Local Recordings

By default, the local recording setting is enabled for UW-Madison Zoom accounts. Hosts can give meeting participants permission to record locally. Individuals who choose to save their recordings on their computer can also upload their content to a media hosting service.


Cloud Recordings

By default, the cloud recordings setting is enabled for UW-Madison Zoom accounts. Only hosts and co-hosts can start a cloud recording. If you want a participant to start a recording, you can make them a co-host or use local recording. Recordings started by co-hosts will still appear in the host's recordings in the Zoom web portal.

Individual UW-Madison Zoom accounts do not have storage quotas. When a cloud recording is saved, it is stored in shared cloud storage for the entire campus. Individuals will be able to store their recordings in the cloud for up to 150 days to ensure we do not meet or exceed the campus storage quota for Zoom.

Individuals can manage their cloud recordings by downloading their recording, uploading the recording to a media hosting option, and delete the recording from their UW-Madison Zoom account.

Deleted recordings (within Trash)

Any recording that is in your 'Trash' folder will permanently be deleted after 30 days of being placed into the 'Trash' folder. Important: At day 23, you will receive an email notifying you that in 7 days, your recording(s) will be permanently deleted. Once the recording has been deleted and is no longer in your trash folder, it cannot be restored.


Keywordsuw madison zoom recordings cloud local find path location explorer finder view recordings management delete share video audio transcript chat files deleted trash automated delete email   Doc ID109403
OwnerZoom S.GroupZoom
Created2021-02-25 18:27:30Updated2024-08-15 12:13:43
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison, Zoom
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