Webex Productivity Tools: How to Uninstall Webex Productivity Tools for MacOS

This documentation will highlight the steps to uninstall Webex Productivity Tools for MacOS (both for basic users and administrators).

Important Notes

  • Cisco Webex Productivity Tools will no longer be supported on MacOS beginning May 2021
  • Before proceeding with either of the uninstall guides found below, ensure that Outlook is not open on the system. If Outlook is open, the following message will appear:
    Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Outlook Is Open Message

Uninstall via Uninstall Application (Basic User w/ Administrative Rights)

  1. Navigate to your Applications folder which can be done via the methods found below and then locate and select the Webex Productivity Tools folder
    1. Open Finder and navigate to the Applications folder which can be found on the left side of the finder window or the path can be entered as "/Applications"
    2. If the application folder is on your dock, selecting it will open up similarly to the image below
      Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Applications Folder
  2. Once you've navigated to the Webex Productivity Tools folder, open the application named Uninstall.app
    Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Productivity Tools Folder
  3. On selecting Uninstall.app, you will be prompted with a window prompting for administrative rights. Enter in your administrative credentials
  4. On successful entry of administrative credentials, the window seen below will appear. Once this window disappears, Webex Productivity Tools will have been successfully uninstalled from your system
    Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Uninstall Window

Uninstall via Terminal CLI / Remote Management Tool (IT Administrator)

  1. Open a Terminal CLI (opening terminal via the search function on MacOS is displayed below)
    Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Terminal Search
  2. Run one of the two commands found below depending on whether or not you would like output
    1. Output Command: sudo '/Applications/Webex Productivity Tools/Uninstall.app/Contents/MacOS/Uninstall'
      Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - CLI Output Uninstall
    2. No-Output Command: sudo '/Applications/Webex Productivity Tools/Uninstall.app/Contents/MacOS/Uninstall' > /dev/null 2>&1
      Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - CLI No-Output Uninstall
  3. If either of the above commands are run locally on the machine and not via a remote deployment, the following window will be displayed. Once this window disappears, Webex Productivity Tools will have been successfully uninstalled from the system
    Webex Productivity Tools Uninstall - Uninstall Window

Related Resources

Keywordswebex, cisco webex productivity tools, productivity, tools, macos, mac, uninstall, cisco, remove   Doc ID109408
OwnerKeevan B.GroupCisco Webex
Created2021-02-26 11:28:24Updated2021-02-26 12:54:03
SitesCisco Webex, DoIT Help Desk
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