UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - View and Request Add-on Licenses

UW-Madison Zoom accounts have access to a limited number of premium add-on licenses that are shared amongst campus. Requests for a premium add-on license require approval to ensure appropriate use cases are accommodated. Approval is subject to add-on availability and use case. Please note, the criteria below is subject to change without notice.


Available add-on licenses:

  • Large meeting 500
  • Large meeting 1,000
  • Webinar 1,000
  • Concurrent meeting (up to 20 meetings)

Note: Individuals interested in a Zoom add-on license that is not currently offered (ex: webinar 3,000) can open a support ticket. The request will need to be reviewed by UW System procurement and may require a charge back. The review process may take approximately 3-5 months. 

Large meeting criteria

Recommended for individuals hosting interactive sessions with their attendees and creating breakout sessions for group discussions. Example: Lecture, departmental meetings, office hours. Learn more about large meetings.

Important: If you are an instructor, you are automatically assigned "Large Meeting 500" add-on to your UW-Madison Zoom account - you can verify this by reviewing your profile page (look within the License Type section). You will not need to request this add-on license.

License duration for an account:

  • 500 - up to an academic year 
  • 1,000 - update to 90 days

Webinar criteria

Recommended for individuals presenting content with little to no interactive sessions. Breakout sessions are not available for webinars. Examples: Presentations, panel discussions, training sessions. Learn more about webinars.

License duration for an account:

  • 1,000* - up to an academic year

*Note: Our webinar 500 licenses have been upgraded to 1,000 capacity. We no longer offer webinar 500 licenses.

Concurrent meeting criteria

Recommended for approximately 1-3 day events. Example: Conferences, seminars. Cannot be used to host concurrent webinars. Learn more about concurrent meetings.

Note: A request for recurring events, events with a long duration, or events without an end date cannot be approved due to having 46 licenses to distribute amongst campus. 

License duration for an account: Up to 2 weeks

Request form

Important: If you are an instructor, you are automatically assigned "Large Meeting 500" add-on to your UW-Madison Zoom account. You can verify this by reviewing your profile page (look within the License Type section). You do not need to request this add-on license.

Submission criteria:

  • Large meeting and webinar requests - Submit at least 5 days in advance.
  • Concurrent meeting requests - Submit up to two weeks from event date.


  • Extensions and renewals can be submitted using the form below.
  • Requests to extend the duration or renew an add-on license is subject to approval and availability.
  • All requests are vetted by UW-Madison Zoom leadership for approval.
  • Requests are not guaranteed approval.


View add-on licenses assigned to your account.

    1. Go to https://uwmadison.zoom.us/.

  1. Click Sign In.

    • If prompted to select an account, select the account you want to access.
  2. Click on the Profile tab in the left menu.

  3. Scroll down the page and view the License Type section.

    • Add-on licenses will be listed in this section.

uw madison zoom large meeting webinar concurrent attendees 300 500 1000 request form host add-on addon add on license education scheduling organizing hosting participants registration criteria submission requests how long duration availability renew extend renewal instructor 
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Zoom S. in Zoom
DoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison, Zoom