WiscWeb - Styling a Group of Links as buttons

The following document will walk you through how to restyle your Group of Links as buttons rather than a link list.

Note: This document assumes you already have an existing Group of Links menu to work with. If you do not, please follow the instructions listed in WiscWeb - Group of Links Page Element to set up a Group of Links menu.


Make sure that the Group of Links menu that you are editing does not contain child/sub-menu items. 

If these are included, the button displays will not work. 

Best practices

  • Keep the number of items to 10 or fewer. If more than 10, it's probably better to keep the Group of Links styles as text links.
  • Limit the number of words in the button.
    • A short action word or phrase — DownloadLearn more — is ideal.
    • Slightly longer phrases are okay, but avoid longer sentences if possible. (5 or fewer words is best)


  1. Navigate to the Group of Links menu you wish to restyle as buttons
  2. Toggle on the option to style the menu as buttons

    Select button style

  3. Select your button styles:
    1. Choose desired color from the dropdown list (red or blue)
    2. Choose your desired button size (default or large)
    3. Choose your desired button style (default or reversed)

      Group of links button options

  4. When finished, scroll to the top of the page and select the Publish/Update button to publish your changes


Example of button cloud


  • If you'd like to change the background color of your content layout when updating your Group of Links menus to display as buttons, please see WiscWeb - Editing content layout background colors

  • Confirm that your Group of Links menu does not include child or sub-menu items. If it does, this option will not work correctly. 

Keywordsbutton, group of links, links, styles, button cloud, cluster   Doc ID110229
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2021-04-13 13:13:42Updated2024-01-02 10:33:34
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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