WiscWeb - Embedding YouTube videos
- Embed YouTube videos on pages
- Embed YouTube videos on posts
- Accessibility and usability barriers
- Troubleshooting
Embed YouTube videos on pages
Embed content page element
The Embed Content page element currently supports YouTube. For this, follow these steps:
- Navigate to YouTube and find the video you'd like to share
- Copy either the URL for the video or the share link that is included just below the video
OR - Navigate back to WiscWeb
- On your page, add the Embed Content page element where you'd like the video to appear
- Paste the copied URL into the page element
- Publish the page
Paste in the URL
The simplest way to add a YouTube video to a Text Block is to simply paste in the URL:
- Navigate to YouTube and find the video you'd like to share
- Copy either the URL for the video or the share link that is included just below the video
OR - Navigate back to WiscWeb
- On your page, make sure you have a Text Block added
- Paste the copied URL into the page
- Publish the page
Embed YouTube videos on posts
- Navigate to YouTube and find the video you'd like to share
- Copy either the URL for the video or the share link that is included just below the video
OR - Navigate back to WiscWeb
- On your post, paste the copied URL where you want the video to appear
- Publish the post
Accessibility and usability barriers
Embedded YouTube content can present multiple accessibility barriers and may impede people with disabilities from navigating your website(s).
For example, embedded YouTube videos do not show the playback tool options until you click the play button. Users who are blind or have low vision and navigate via screen reader or other assistive technology may have an impeded experience when the playback tool options are not present.
In general, care should be taken to ensure that the experience is equitable for all:
Provide an alternative format
If the number of users and the specific video requirements are crucial for student success or employee job duties, consider providing an alternative way for them to accomplish tasks.
Include a transcript for the video
For users that may be deaf or hard of hearing, it is recommended that you always include a transcript with your embedded video content.
Include a description of any background music
For users that may be deaf or hard of hearing, it is recommended that you include a description of any background music that is included in the video.
Consider including an accessibility statement next to your video
You may want to consider adding an accessibility statement next to your video to make sure users are aware of the barriers. Here's some sample text that can be copied and pasted into your webpage:
For information regarding the accessibility and usability of websites with embedded YouTube videos, view the Accessibility and Usability KnowledgeBase document.
- The current embed options do not support some settings for your videos. For example, you may not be able to have the video start at a specific spot or show a custom thumbnail image.