Video Layouts in Webex Meetings and Webex Events

Video Layout Settings
There are ways you can customize your layout that can help you better keep track of what's going on in you rmeeting or event. Want to make sure you know everyone's name? Set them to always appear. Want to see only those who share their video? Hide anyone who doesn't share their video.
To learn more about the ways you can adjust some of your layout settings, see the following articles:
Show or Hide Names in Thumbnail Videos in Webex Meetings and Webex Events
Hide or Show Non-Video Participants During Webex Meetings and Webex Events
Switch Your Video Layout View
There are different video layout views that you can use to focus on the content that's important to you. The device you used to join the meeting determines which of the views you can choose.
When you use the Webex Meetings desktop or web app, you can choose from the following views:
Grid view—useful when you want to divide your attention across a lot of speakers in a large meeting
Stack view—useful when you want to see meeting participants above the stage
Side by side view—use when you want to see meeting participants next to the stage
Full-screen view—use when you want to float panels and scale them freely, or drag them to another monitor
To learn how to set the view that you want, see Switch Your View Cisco Webex Meetings and Cisco Webex Events.
When you use the iOS or Android app, you can choose from the following views:
Grid view—useful when you want to divide your attention across a lot of speakers in a large meeting
Equal view—useful for one-on-one conversations or small meetings with only a few others
Stack view—useful when you want to focus on the active speaker or shared content but also want to see other participants
Focus view—useful for when you want to see the active speaker or shared content full-screen
To learn how to set the view that you want, see Switch Your View in Webex Meetings and Webex Events from a Mobile Device.
Stage Views

Customize the Stage
You can further customize your stage to suit your needs. For more information on how you can customize your stage, see the following articles:
Sync Your Stage
If you're a host or cohost of a meeting or event, you can control what appears on the stage for all participants by syncing it. Syncing your stage makes sure that everyone who sees the stage has the same content. Any changes you make to your stage update in real-time.
To learn more, see Sync Your Stage with Everyone in Webex Meetings and Webex Events.
Adjust Grid View
Grid view gives you the ability to set how many participants that appear on-screen at any given time. You can show as many as 25 participants on a page or even just one. You can view more participants by changing which page you're viewing.
To learn more, see Adjust How Many Participants Appear in Grid View in Webex Meetings and Webex Events.