DoIT Shared Tools - JIRA - How to Reopen an Epic that Was Marked as Done

If an epic is “marked as done”, you can restore it to the side panel by completing these steps:

  1. Go to "Issues" > Search for Issues"
  2. Search for all epics labeled "Epic Status: Done"
  3. Add additional filters to limit the number of epics shown
  4. "Bulk Change" the issues and update the “Epic Status" to “To Do"

Screen Shots of the Steps

Marking an Epic as "Done"

Screen shot of an epic being marked as done

Search Settings

Perform a search in the appropriate project for the epics with the "Epic Status: Done". Go to "Tools" and perform a "Bulk Change". 

Screen shot of the JIRA search settings

Bulk Change

Change the "Epic Status" to "To Do" and complete the "Bulk Change". 

Screen shot of the Epic Status field options

KeywordsJIRA, Epic, Marked as done, reopen, set to todo open again activate search settings bulk change status   Doc ID110608
OwnerTeresa A.GroupShared Tools
Created2021-04-29 16:03:15Updated2023-12-01 13:08:51
SitesShared Tools
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