Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-22-21
Approved 04-29-21
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Present: Donna Cole; Jenny
Dahlberg; Tim Dalby, chair; Stephanie Elkins; Mallory Musolf;
Leslie Petty; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron; Bill Tishler
Lotus Buckner, Chad Cook, Elizabeth
Covington, Josh Cutler, Lesley Fisher, Ron Harris, Laurent Heller, Jessica
Karls-Ruplinger, Casey LaVela, Beth Meyerand, Noel Radomski, Kris Tiles, Mark
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of April 8 were approved.
Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor Heller reported on the $320
million budget impact due to the pandemic. This figure was before the university
took the different actions to mitigate those losses. Furloughs were included in
those actions. Since that time, there have been some positive developments,
which has allowed the institution to end the furlough program early. It is
complicated to implement this change, but it allows us to give a little back to
employees. Employees who have taken their full furlough will get a day back.
The federal recovery act provides an estimated $26 million in additional
student aid, along with $26 million to assist with institutional need. This is
one-time money and not base funding. Testing costs are also coming in less than
anticipated. The budget picture is otherwise very speculative right now, and during
the summer/early fall, we will be able to do a full budget reconciliation to
see where we really are. ASEC encouraged the Vice Chancellor to consider how
programs like the Discretionary Compensation Fund might proceed in the future.
Regarding P2P rollout, 95% of requests are
getting processed in a day or less. There have also been a great number of help requests in areas of workflow, direct payments, and
funding. There has been feedback on the amount of time for required training on
ShopUW+, as well as how a smoother transition to the
new system might have taken place.
Chancellor Heller reported that he has accepted a similar position at Johns
Hopkins University and will be leaving UW-Madison on May 21. He thanked ASEC for
their many discussions over the years and for their role in governance at the university.
Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer; Lotus Buckner, Director of Talent
Management, Office of Human Resources; Jessica Karls-Ruplinger, Chief of Staff,
Office of Human Resources
OHR is getting feedback on the remote work policy from
a number of stakeholders. One of the big areas is
delineation on the types of remote work. Greater clarity is needed on
occasional flexibility and how that fits in with the policy. The policy needs
to be revised to identify that it covers standard remote work agreements that
involve a certain specific period of time. OHR is making
these adjustments to the policy. ASEC indicated a need for greater clarity
around the threshold/frequency for this policy, in terms of the amount of time
for remote work. OHR indicated that there is no doubt that this policy will
evolve over time, and OHR wants to partner with stakeholders to talk through
those changes. The Chancellor sent a message to campus about many employees
returning to onsite work in the August 2021 timeframe. There have been a number of questions and comments about what we have
learned from the efficiencies and effectiveness of people working remotely. The
goal is to achieve a balance between the benefits of remote work with the
importance of in-person interactions. ASEC raised concerns about the equity
with which the policy will be implemented across schools/colleges/divisions and
suggested the creation of FAQs and other resources to add greater specificity
and examples of policy interpretation to create more consistency around
implementation. OHR is working on employee and supervisor toolkits on remote
work. The finalized policy needs to serve as the foundation for those
resources, as well as building other tools that are referred to, including the
automated workflow. The expectation is that, over June and July, supervisors
and employees will engage in discussions about what will and won’t work
remotely. These discussions should include employee preferences and the
conduciveness of the job to remote work. ASEC asked the question of how shared
governance will be involved going forward in this policy, as well as whether it
was a possibility to have another addendum to the existing policy as an
alternative. Because the existing policy is over 15 years old, the feeling is
that we need to have a new policy as a fresh foundation with automated
processes. OHR will continue to engage shared governance, along with possible
ad hoc engagements as needed.
General Reports
Tim Dalby, ASEC Chair, reported on the questions
on the conflict of commitment policy that arose at the April Assembly meeting.
Tim and Jake discussed these with Vice Provost Beth Meyerand. He reported on
discussions of the remote work policy by the Personnel Policies and Procedures
Committee and the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee. A town hall has
been scheduled for academic staff as well. Tim also reported on his role on the
working group looking at communications around the academic calendar. He was
part of a subgroup putting out communications on Ramadan and religious
observances around finals. There will be another subgroup taking a more
long-term look at the calendar for potential conflicts. He reported that a
greater number of vaccines are now available through University Health Services.
Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reported on the April 22 forum on the
Title and Total Compensation Project, which was designed to reemphasize the
importance of the project and inform employees of the new timeline for
implementation. There will also be forums in May from UW System on the single
payroll initiative. The academic staff town hall on the remote work policy is
scheduled for April 22 at 5:00, and a survey about onsite and remote work is
currently in the field from the Office of Human Resources, with a deadline of
April 29 for responses. Jake connected the Division of Extension CASI with Vice
Provost Meyerand to address specific concerns regarding the conflict of
commitment policy.
Donna Cole reported on that day’s meeting of
the School of Pharmacy CASI. Dean Swanson invited a member of the CASI to join
his advisory council and wants to engage the CASI more moving forward in
decision-making for issues that have specific impacts to staff.
Bill Tishler
reported that the Division of Continuing Studies CASI met with the division’s
diversity, equity, and inclusion coordinator. There were discussions about
supervisors receiving training in these areas before the rest of staff, and it
looks like that will be put into practice. The CASI will also meet with the
dean and the associate dean about how the division will be handling remote
work. The University Committee had a discussion about
the remote work policy and how it affects faculty.
Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC met with
Karen Massetti-Moran to discuss a
number of issues related to TTC and also give input into the remote work
policy. The School of Veterinary Medicine CASI still needs to discuss the
guidelines around professorial titles for academic staff.
Deb Shapiro reported that the College of
Letters and Science CASI meeting and a listening session with Dean Wilcots
consisted of some of the same topics, including remote work and TTC. The CASI
has revised its bylaws and will review them at the next meeting to allow for
further discussion of the CASI’s makeup. The TTC Governance Advisory Group will
be meeting on Friday, and one of the topics will be how promotion and
progression will work post-TTC.
Lindsey Stoddard Cameron reported that the
Campus Planning Committee discussed the ongoing repairs at Van Hise, and Lindsey was named as a mid-term appointment to
the University Design Review Board. The Committee for Women in the University
met with Brent Lloyd, Phillip Braithwaite, and Gary Brown to learn more about
childcare on campus.
Stephanie Elkins reported that the Communications
Committee discussed reviewers, builders and content
creators for the academic staff website, with the intent of implementing the
revised site with the Secretary’s office by the end of the fiscal year. The
Wisconsin Public Media CASI is trying to reinstitute a Safety and Security
Committee, and the Ethics Bridge Committee is up and running with CASI reps and
news team reps.
Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs
Vice Provost Meyerand will be meeting with Brian
Fox and Brigid Daly to address a number of questions
and issues that have been raised regarding the conflict of commitment policy
with the intent of implementing changes to the policy. One issue that was
raised was summer activities outside the institution for 9-month appointees.
There have been a number of questions from Extension
as well. Further delineation between conflict of interest and conflict of
commitment needs to occur. Vice Provost Meyerand encouraged ASEC to contact her
or Brian Fox for suggested changes to the policy.
The Campus Committee on Diversity Education
and Training presented its recommendations to the Provost Executive Group, which
were received favorably. A new committee will be formed to create a diversity,
equity, and inclusion curriculum. The plan is to have a baseline curriculum for
all employees, with subsequent tracks according to job duties for faculty and
staff and occurring over a period of time. Training
would be mandatory for new hires and optional for existing employees. The hope
is that there will be a great deal of engagement in this, and there are also
opportunities for study of the efficacy of this curriculum over time. The
committee will consist of individuals with experience in curriculum
development, with the potential to use other models to create the baseline
Vice Provost Meyerand encouraged ASEC to
continue to raise any issues related to remote work. ASEC reiterated concerns
about supervisor/employee disagreements about the possibility of working
remotely on a regular basis, equity with which the policy will be implemented
in schools/colleges/divisions, and potential space issues that might arise.
· Remote Work Policy Discussion
continued its discussion regarding the draft remote work policy. Concerns were
also expressed regarding possible impacts of employees switching jobs to
achieve either onsite or remote work, which would further contribute to equity
issues. There was also discussion about how to further differentiate regular
remote work policy from flexible work practices, with particular attention to
· May Assembly Agenda
reviewed the draft Assembly agenda. OHR is confirmed to give a presentation on
remote work, TTC, and single pay.
· Topics for Guests
preliminary enrollment numbers for fall semester and implications; possibility on
requirement of vaccinations for certain positions once they fall out of
emergency use only
remote work, TTC, single pay
Meeting adjourned at 4:39 p.m.
submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff