Communications - Website

The list of people and units within the School is contained in a directory, this is how to request and manage your profile and submit a request for other website changes.

Human Ecology Website Requests

I need a new/edit to my bio page

Allow at least 5-7 working days for updates.

Please note that the People section of the website lists employees connected to the school’s departments and divisions. Directors and outward-facing employees in centers, labs, and other groups are also listed on the website. Employees outside of these perimeters should be listed on their respective center and lab websites. Examples include specialized instructors, graduate students, and limited term employees. Human Ecology People listings are made at the discretion of the Communications Team.

I need other changes to the website

Allow at least 5-7 working days for updates.

Direct other questions or requests to the communications team --

bio, directory, communications, CV, updating a profile, website updates, website changes 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Linda Z. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology