Communications-Human Ecology Brand Resources & Editorial Style Guidelines

The Communications Team provides design, public relations, and strategy services. To start a project please contact us directly.
Editorial Style Guide: School of Human Ecology

The School of Human Ecology follows the editorial style guide established by UW-Madison. This is a one-stop resource and easy to use - in this you'll find answers to questions like:

Human Ecology logos

Find and download current School of Human Ecology logos here. Use of the logo should follow UW-Madison brand guidelines found here. The “Motion W” logo is reserved for UW–Madison Athletics.

NOTE - Effective June 30, 2023 Red Hat Text and Red Hat Display are replacing Verlag and Vitesse as UW’s official brand fonts. Please contact a member of the communications team if you have questions or need assistance transitioning any of your digital or print materials, we are happy to help.

Brand Guidelines

The primary visuals and voice of the school are under the powerful UW–Madison brand, which is recognizable throughout the state and around the globe. Tools, resources, and best practices are available on the campus brand and visual identity website. In addition to the university’s official brand style guide, the site provides logos and their proper use, colors, fonts, and more for both print and web along with PowerPoint, letterhead, and other templates.

identity, crest, using the human ecology crest, logo 
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Owned by:
Linda Z. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology