Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Inter-Institutional Overload Procedures

Learn how to pay ad hoc instructors from other UW-system campuses through overload

Overview: An Inter-Institutional Overload (IIO) is needed when the employee works a regular full-time position at a non-UW-Madison UW System campus (UW-Green Bay, UW-Milwaukee, etc.) and the payment will exceed $1,000. IIO's are not done online like they are for UW-Madison employees, instead, there is a form to fill out that is signed and sent by email to the other campus for signature.

Purpose: Document internal DCS procedures on how and when to request an IIO for an instructor from another UW System campus also working for DCS and being paid by payroll. An IIO will be needed if the employee works a regular full-time position at a non-UW-Madison UW System campus and the payment will exceed $1,000. If the payment is $1,000 or less, the instructor will be paid on payroll and an IIO is not needed.

Responsible Party: Learning Experience Coordinator


pay, payment, ad hoc, instructor, inter-institutional, overload, UW, system 
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Ashley K. in Division of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
Division of Continuing Studies-Noncredit