Successful Searches in the KB
Use Clear and Plain Language
The KB search engine is not built for complex queries
Try to simplify the text of the search if you can’t find your results
Instead of searching “instructions for installing WiscVPN for my Windows computer”, try “wiscvpn download windows” for a straightforward search.
Keyword-Based Search Engine
Use basic keywords relating to what you’re searching for.
If results aren’t appearing, try making the search as general as possible (1-2 keywords)
If you find what you’re looking for but the keyword you used wasn’t helping, consider sending feedback with the “Suggest Keyword” button at the bottom of each document. It looks like this:
Check for Typos and Misspellings Before Searching
Typos, Misspellings, and Incorrect Service Names
Ensure everything is spelled correctly and that there aren’t any unnecessary spaces in your search
For example, searching for “mail chimp” rather than “mailchimp”. The former will result in a failed search because it is not the exact service name.
Before searching, check if results are found above the search bar.
If there is an issue with your search, the search bar will let you know that no matches exist in the KB.
If you have made sure your search is correct but there are still no matches, consider leaving feedback using “Suggest a document”.
Avoid Searching Specific URLs
Unlike general browsers (e.g. Google, Firefox, Safari), the KB search engine will not direct you to a specific URL.
Searching “” will result in a failed search
No Documents Exist Relating to Your Search
Consider using the “Suggest a document” link to let our team know a new document may be needed for a certain topic or service.