Institutional Reporting - Policy

Institutional reporting is required for all Division of Extension research and education programming positions regardless of funding source.

Policy Title

Division of Extension Institutional Reporting Policy

Policy Manager

Patrick Robinson, Associate Dean

Policy Contact

Christian Schmieder, Assistant Director for Data Governance


The purpose of this policy is to clarify and document the requirements related to institutional reporting. Institutional reporting is required for the Division of Extension to maintain federal funding. In addition, there are other reporting requirements that are required for Extension by entities such as the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents.


Research & Education Programming Positions: All colleagues involved in educational programming or research. Examples of these types of positions typically include employees with official titles of faculty, outreach specialists, Extension specialists, and outreach program managers, but this list is not exhaustive.


Institutional reporting is required for all Division of Extension research and education programming positions regardless of funding source. Examples of these types of positions typically include employees with official titles of faculty, outreach specialists, Extension specialists, and outreach program managers, but this list is not exhaustive.


Division of Extension Academic Staff Requirements

The following applies to Division of Extension academic staff:

  1. The supervisor of record will clarify reporting requirements for any academic staff member seeking clarification regarding whether this guidance applies to their position.
  2. The supervisor of record will determine whether or not an academic staff member has satisfactorily completed institutional reporting requirements. Supervisors and employees will have access to guidance materials related to determining completion of satisfactory reporting.
    1. A job responsibility and expectation related to satisfactory completion of institutional reporting requirements is incorporated into the Performance Management and Development Program (PMDP) system for all research and educational programming academic staff. The job responsibility and expectation will be reviewed and rated during annual performance conferences.
    2. Only academic staff members who satisfactorily complete annual reporting will be eligible for pay plan or discretionary salary increases in the year subsequent to the year for which the annual review was being conducted.

Division of Extension Faculty Requirements

All faculty are required to report. Faculty annual review committees will determine and document through the Faculty Annual Review process whether or not a faculty member has satisfactorily completed institutional reporting requirements. Faculty will also have access to guidance materials related to determining completion of satisfactory reporting. Only faculty members who satisfactorily complete annual reporting will be eligible for pay plan or discretionary salary increases in the year subsequent to the year for which the annual review was being conducted.

UW-Madison Units and UW Campus Partner Requirements

Institutional reporting is also required for all Division of Extension funded research and education programming employees within partnering UW-Madison units and other UW campus partners (i.e., integrated positions). Because the Division of Extension has an institutional reporting obligation to our funding sources, lack of satisfactory reporting by integrated faculty or staff can lead to loss of Division of Extension funding for that faculty or staff member and the partnering institution.

Related Division of Extension or UW-Madison Documents

Effective Date

June 7, 2021

Plan Work Federal Funding Board Regents Research Education Programming Academic Staff Faculty 
Doc ID:
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Christian S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook